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  1. Enjoy the sex while it lasts. For God's sake give him the credit for not screwing around while he is with you. Also have sex in different places, this way you will be more engrossed in the ambience than that frucken girl.
  2. Guys and Girls! I took a chance and expressed my desires to her yesterday and sge said she really likes me but would like to stay as friends. I was happy to get it out the system but when I woke up the next morning, I felt sick that why did I do that? Why did I blow up my last chance? I started realizing how much I love her and want her.
  3. Is love blind? I guess the old wisecrack was not on grass when he said this. In fact it is not just blind but also make you dumb and stupid. Still it is nice. -------- I slowly started liking this girl at work, it was not love at first sight...something that grew in me like a sapling. If only life were simple...I dont know how I should approach her. She gives me strong signals that she likes me, though it can be just that she likes me as a friend. I am losing my rationality as I know that she has a boyfriend for 10 years. It is very very unlikely that she will leave him for me. Second problem is that we work in the same company and any wrong move can make life very difficult for both of us. Please help me...tell me what i should do. She is the woman of my life. I am sure there are many others like her, but she is the only one I could find in my existence as a human being.
  4. How does it feel to know that the girl you fell in love head over heels is already dating someone else. If I got some hints that she likes me, should I pursue her further or is it like opening a can of worms. The feeling is unrelenting and the pain is bitter sweet. My heart races when I see her. Why does it happen that the forbidden fruit is the most desirable. Are all the good girls always taken before I meet them. I am talking about the girl I met in the bus. (see previous post). It's not a crush.
  5. The whole idea of this post was to resolve between love and pure crushes, in one case all this does not matter and in the other case it helps to think rationally about a girl and not get overwhelmed by her.
  6. Disclaimer: If you do not want to wake up from a dreamy onesided crush or you enjoy being obsessed with a stranger read no further. Ladies I am sorry for this post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rush of hormones when you see a beautiful girl sending you into a roller coaster ride of uncertainities, time waste and yearning hearts is not uncommon among young men. But have you ever thought how that girl looks when she gets up in the morning with no make up, smelly mouth and dry saliva on cheeks. The think how she would be in the toilet while answering the call of nature, stinky faarts and residues of faeces because she did not wipe properly. Think how she smells when she is flowing like a river during her periods. Think of all those reddened napkins below the silky lingerie. This is reality and all women have these. Now see if you like her less and probably move on with your life. Sorry if I spoiled your dreams.
  7. I totally identify with your problem. All of us the reserved kinds have to go through the agony of bottling up feelings. Think this way what are your chances with her if you do not let her know what you feel. The answer is zilch zifr 0 zero. But if you corner her for a walk, coffee whatever pretext and tell her your feelings, she will either like you or dislike you. What are the odds of success 50%... Now you have to choose if you want to live like a zombie with 0% chance agonizing yourself. Just gather some courage and take the 50:50 odds. You have nothing to lose and only to gain. Also if you are afraid that you will lose whatever little you have with her. Trust me if it does not work out she will have some pity and a sense of guilt whenever she sees you. This may also work out to your advantage on a bad day for her. Good luck and hope it helps!
  8. Hi Friends We all share a common feeling, the confusion of being in love. What to do next. Let me tell you what happened to me. I saw this girl at a bus terminal and all it took was a smile and she came right up to me in the queue and started talking. We realized that we have many things in common culturally (both of us are from a very traditional country in Asia) and it was almost like getting hit by lightning twice on the same day, to find someone so similar. The best thing was that she was heading to the same place as me but had tickets on a bus couple of hours after me. There was instant zipping of information back and forth before my bus left. I gave her my business card also for obvious reasons with future contact in mind. As I got into the bus and saw her from my window, I felt the surge of feeling to be with her for some more time. I went and lied to the driver that she was with me and the driver lampooned me saying what kind of man are you leaving your girl behind. Well I did not stand there to explain but just made sure that I had a seat next to me for her even though one guy of the same bus was left seatless (shitless The driver agreed to let her in for me and I pumped my fist in joy. There she was right next to for the next two hours. As we started moving I was rapturous inside but tongue twisted as to what to talk. We asked each other about our work and stuff. Then she started dozing off as she felt very tired. I had the window seat and she the aisle. She was bouncing her head on both sides while sleeping and I felt that she would be very comfortable on my side. So I poked her shoulders and woke her up to exchange seats. She said it's ok but eventually took my seat and after saying God Bless fell asleep again. I said bull shit in return to reduce the formality levels. We reached our destiantion and I got off in a hurry as my bags were big and I had to remove them before others could move theirs. For may be a minute I had forgotten her and went out of the bus. After a few seconds there she was tapping on my back saying "it was nice to meet you. I will drop in a line sometime." The freaking problem is that I could not sleep all night thinking about her, twas almost like a teen crush. I am well over 25. I checked my email a million times and even dug her email out from the web and dropped in a line. Friends I am stiil waiting for an email from her. Do you think I did anything wrong by emailing first. Was I over enthusiastic in my action. What shall I do to reduce my agony waiting for her reponse. Help me
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