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Would you tell your loved one if you cheated?

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I couldnt say I loved someobdy if i cheated on them, because id be lieing. How could you love someone and be with somebody else?

But if i was "influenced" some way,

I would tell them, because im a big believer in "everything happens for a reason" and if the relationship couldnt get past it, the two werent meant to be together!

So in the end I would absloutely tell them!

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Yeah u should let her know, i heard ppl argue for not letting them know but that is selfish, u want to know right?? I cheated on my x and she knew right away, somehow she got my password and checked my email and i was DONE FOR !! rightfully so, i was young and dumb but cant dwell on regrets...

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I don't know, thinking back on it, I wish I hadn't have told that I cheated. I waited to long to tell, I didn't tell until it was way over(2 yrs). This caused things to dwell on longer to me, because I had apologized to God and asked for forgiveness, thereforeeee forgiving myself, it just rekindled it all over again. But now I had to beg for my h's forgiveness too. Believe me I'm not complaining, I know I deserved to be punished but thinking back on it all, I probably wouldn't have told after so much time had passed. Although I did feel a huge load off, that was one of the benefits.


But remember, if it aint broke u won't have to crazy glue it back together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't someone somewhere write a song called 'Truth Hurts"???


If I had No Intentions to ever cheat again, and if I made a promise to myself to love my spouse with all my heart forever.....then why tell him/her and take the chance of hurting him/her beyond repair???


If I were a religious man, I would fall on my hands and knees and beg God for forgiveness and promise to love and respect my spouse for eternity.....I think that is sufficient.


For those of you who tell your spouse that you cheated..What good is there in that?


It will just breed distrust.


Anyone ever read the book "The Firm"? Not the movie..the book. In it the main charecter screws another woman but decides in the end not to tell his wife....good move on his part. I think in the movie Tom Cruise tells his wife and she totally Flips.......

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I can only say that every lie, deception or cheat is a brick in the wall that divides a couple. Adding another brick by not telling, in the long run, makes that wall higher. Plus, you did it once, there seemed to be no consequences, why not do it again?


No, I vote for telling. And cheating does not rule out love. It means that there is a problem, something to cure. But the cheating is a symptom, not the cause. Until you know you're ill, you don't go to the doctor. After cheating, you know there's a problem, there's a concrete symptom.

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