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Here's the situation. My girlfriend and I have been going out for 2 months. In 11 days, she is going to Europe for 3 weeks with her brother and his girlfriend. I really like this girl, and I'm very seriously struggling to keep my lips sealed and not ruin things. There is a high level of commitment between us, and I want to make sure she knows how I feel, yet don't want to be hung out to dry. I want us to be together, and she has mentioned some serious long term goals/plans of hers.

With us, the 'rules' haven't really applied, but I don't want to lose her now by rushing things and reading her signs wrong. Laying on the couch yesterday with her, everytime we made eye contact, I was fighting so hard not to say anything, for fear of losing her if I made a bad move. I've been thinking about her a lot, and anytime I logon to Messenger or get home from work, there is a message from her waiting for me.

What do I do?

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Not to be negative but sometimes people can change quickly. Words mean so little. My exgf said she wanted a long term relationship too and ended up breaking up with me some months down the road.


Actions speak much louder. That's the problem with relationships, nothing is ever set in stone, ever. All you can do is trust.

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it all really dpends wether you want that long term relationship as well. seeing as you're 18, will you have the comanionship to be faithful to eachother while at sepoerate schools? riught now it all depends on how you feel.


i know that being up front with my girlfriend was the best thing i ever did. i was in avery different situation seeing as when i told her, we werent even dating, so it was different, but i hope everything works out

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