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Yep I have nights like that too. My first option is medicine unfortunately, but you build up a tolerance to it after a short while so you're right to stay away from it. Can you try going to bed a little later considering you'll be 'awake' anyway. Stay up and read the most boring book possible (like a college textbook in a subject you have no interest in learning, for me it was anything physics or maths related) which could tire out your eyes.

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Try taking Valerian root.....it's cheap, sold everywhere, and it's natural. Knocks me the F out when I need it!


Yep! I take "Formula 303" with valerian root and other herbs, it's VERY popular replacement for both ibuprofein, muscle relaxant and getting good night sleep. I usually take 2~3 pills before bed time when I'm sore. It doesn't make you groggy or anything either in the morning.


Also I'd avoid watching TV, being on the computer and anything to stimulate your body including eating at least an hour before you go to bed.

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I have some similar troubles too (and I can't take melatonin because of a medical condition and I don't believe that just because a sleep aid is herbal that it is any safer than, let's say, benadryl).

Here are the things I do to increase the likelihood of a good night's sleep - first, I get off the computer and the phone at least an hour before I want to go to sleep. I don't have coffee or caffeinated sodas past the morning, I exercise every day, early in the day, and for the half hour to an hour before bed, I read quietly but not in bed - bed is just for sleep. I don't get into bed until I am really tired - tired enough where I think I will fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. I wear an eye mask and use aromatherapy lavender lotion (and shower with lavender soap at night). Somestimes I put some on my pillow (placebo? probably but it's part of a ritual) If after 20 minutes I can't fall asleep I get out of bed and read more. Once I go back to bed I don't let myself look at the clock. Sometimes I do stretching while lying down if my muscles feel tensed up.


Hope that helps - here's to a good night's sleep.

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Im having this issue too. Im up really late and then up for work early (or sleep through my alarm )


I just went and bought some valerian root tablets. Gonna try tonight!


Whats the recommended intake? The package says two pills twice a day but that seems ubsurd since its a sleep aid? I only plan on taking it at bedtime. Each pill has 200 mg of valerian root

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Valerian root won't make you sleepy, so if you have muscle spasm, soreness, etc you can use it during the day too. Most people that swear by them say they sleep deeper. I find it calms me down a lot and does help with muscle soreness. You really can't overdose on valerian root but like with anything take the suggested dosage.

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