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Asking the guy out?


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I work for a fast food company and sometimes, other managers from different stores around the area will come in and ask for supplies if they have ran out or they will come over and eat with the other managers at my location. WELL - There is this one manager that is a store manager for a different location about 15 minutes away from where I work and he comes in about at least once a week. I really, really have a crush on him. He is very nice and a gentleman.


I know he is single because one of the managers at my store was playing around with him and he just politely said he was single...They aren't dating.


Here is my thing - I will not be working there by next week due to a new job. I am thinking about going to his store one day next week and possibly asking him out.


Do you think I should? Is it a good move? I have nothing to lose and I really like him. All he could do is say no and reject me, but hey - that's life! Right?

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Go for Speak, like you said you got nothing to lose. If he rejects you its not like you are likely seeing him again since you are starting a new job. Good luck with asking him out and your new job!


True. Even though I am a bit confident...I always have that thread of insecurity. What if he doesn't think I am pretty? Not good enough.

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I wouldn't ask him out on a date but something a little more vague - can you invite him out with some friends or to a party or to some kind of group event? That way he will know you are interested. Consider whether you would be turned off if he is the type of guy who feels more comfortable doing the actual asking out. If he is like that and that sounds too old fashioned to you then you have nothing to lose. If you are going to ask him out on an actual date then I would strike up a conversation when he is on break, gague his level of interest (does he ask you questions, etc) and if he seems interested, ask him out for a specific time and place so that you can show that you put thought into it. Good luck!

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I think you have got a good idea there. Start by asking him how he's doing, then mention you got a new job and may not be seeing him at work anymore but that you would like to keep in touch and maybe do lunch sometime. Lunch is a safe start, even coffee could work. (this is just what I would do and I don't exactly have the best luck with guys so take it with a grain of salt lol. you got this.

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I'll play Devil's advocate. Don't ask him out. You would have gained self-confidence in yourself in the process, and who needs that stuff anyway you silly fool? Plus, he might feel intimidated by a woman asking if he's available. I mean, c'mon; do you really want him to crack into a psychotic episode? I didn't think so! You're better off sitting in a corner and waiting for him to ask you out himself, because he can read minds (didn't know that didgya).


LOL. I hope everything works out Speaks. If he's anything like the gentlemen you believe him to be, he'll appreciate the compliment during work.

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I'll play Devil's advocate. Don't ask him out. You would have gained self-confidence in yourself in the process, and who needs that stuff anyway you silly fool? Plus, he might feel intimidated by a woman asking if he's available. I mean, c'mon; do you really want him to crack into a psychotic episode? I didn't think so! You're better off sitting in a corner and waiting for him to ask you out himself, because he can read minds (didn't know that didgya).


LOL. I hope everything works out Speaks. If he's anything like the gentlemen you believe him to be, he'll appreciate the compliment during work.


LOL! I HOPE the first part was a joke : ) I think it was. So u think I SHOULD ask him?

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I think you have got a good idea there. Start by asking him how he's doing, then mention you got a new job and may not be seeing him at work anymore but that you would like to keep in touch and maybe do lunch sometime. Lunch is a safe start, even coffee could work. (this is just what I would do and I don't exactly have the best luck with guys so take it with a grain of salt lol. you got this.


It's just that I have only seen him about 4 times...we don't really talk unless I am walking past him, leaving a room that he is about to enter and he steps to the side like a gentleman. And then there was that time he asked me for a ranch sauce and then when he sat down he gave me an eyebrow flash. He is nice. I am going for it. Whether I have seen him a few times or a million...Something in me tells me he is worth it!

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