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How do you get over mornings?

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I need some ideas on how to get over mornings when i feel the worst? I dont have to tell you guys the feelings in the morning we all get... especially on weekends... But there must be some quick fix for that wake up/realization slap in the face when you realize you're all alone and you lost her.


It's only been a week for me so it's all very fresh.. But there has to be a way to keep going and letting go of the fantasy world i wake up to from dreaming about her every night!

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Hate to say it, but time's the answer. Soon you'll wake up and realise the duvet's all yours and you can suit yourself for breakfast. It'll be okay. She'll still be there in your mind but just think "screw it, what am i going to do right now!?" and do whatever you feel like. Just enjoy this period of time where you don't have to answer to anyone. You'll be in another relationship before you know it and you'll think "i wish i'd used my single time better than just mulling over her all the time"

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Yeppers, mornings are awful. What I started doing is get OUT of the house. I went for long walks, hard walk, and/or grabbed a camera and took pics of things. It's important to get your mind thinking about other things. Sure you'll still think about the ex out there but you are out and about - which at least gives you the chance of distraction. Get outside! Hang in there.

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MUSIC! For me night times were the worst, when I would wind down and really start thinking about the past, but I soon got to sleep easier by listening to music until I fell asleep. It doesn't matter what kind, stuff that makes you cry or dance or angry! Music, for me at least, allowed my feelings to be expressed when i couldn't really put my finger on them. When you get up, put a CD in, or put on the radio, ipod, ect and just make that your routine. I know it helped for me

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so it is the same for guys.


i have broken up for 3 BLOODY MONTHS. And in the mornings. OUCH. the first flutter of my eyelashes, the first movement under the sheets, and the ache comes so quickly, and so fiercely, i have to GET OUT of bed or turn crazy and blue in the face from pain.

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I think mostly everyone has, or will experience that type of pain. Its just finally being true to yourself and realizing that its going to be a long road to recovery, but weather you like it or not the sun WILL come up every morning and the world will keep moving forward, so why shouldn't you?





here is a song for you guys. Its country and I know many people don't like country but give it a shot

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I wake up in the mornings and realize that this day is what I make it. It doesnt depend on what someone else wants to do. If I want to sit on my couch in my pj's all day, I can and dont have to worry about someone telling me its time to clean, or go shopping or go to someones house.


If I want to go see friends, I dont have to run it by anyone. The mornings were hard, but they do get better once you realize that you have the chance to make that day what you want it to be.

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A counsellor once suggested to me that you need to find an activity, even if it's just short, that you will do each morning as soon as you wake up. It's a replacement activity......it could be 10min of yoga, or some music, or meditation, or prayer, or a short run - whatever suits you best.

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And in the mornings. OUCH. the first flutter of my eyelashes, the first movement under the sheets, and the ache comes so quickly, and so fiercely, i have to GET OUT of bed or turn crazy and blue in the face from pain.


I basically just realized I was going to feel like the above for a while and decided to force myself through the motions regardless. Sometimes I just went back to sleep. If I have nothing to do I make myself get out of bed, get dressed as good-looking as possible, eat breakfast, drink coffee, THEN figure out what I'm going to do that day. Even if it's lying around feeling miserable all day, at least then I know I'm still taking basic care of myself.

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yeah, i remember waking up in a morning at 5:30am and not being able to get back to sleep as my head was in overtime. i can still remember the feeling of waking up and forgetting for a split second you have split up then you remember and it's painful. there is no quick answer you just have to ride through the storm and let time heal you. maybe stimulate your brain and do lots of physical exercise to make you feel more tired..


I know exactly what you are going through, it will get better. but saying that my sleeping pattern has never quite been the same

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I'm trying to do things... But at that momment, i just cant make myself do it. The thing is it only lasts 30min to an hour and then i'm ok... But man it feels like a year.


I'm also having hard time keeping myself from finding out about her... Keep seeing how she's going out and i'm nowhere near there with my feelings. Tough road ahead of me....

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I try to work out at least 3x a week in the morning. Besides research that really suggests, its the second best time in the day to workout, it really motivates and makes me feel good for the rest of the day. I try to wake up at 5am (today 6:30) and I am have most of the equipment at my house for a good workout. But I suggest at least waking up a little earlier and at least going for a 15-30 minute run.


Also, cooking a good breakfast probably isn't a bad idea either.

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