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Erection and Kissing Poll (FOR GIRLS)

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I know there have been a bunch of topics like this, but the girls don't reply much to them and it'd be nice to have a girls input.....


When you are making out with a guy and you feel a boner does it make you think "eww thats nasty" or do you like it?? These examples are just general, if you could explain more thatd be great.

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Uh, interesting topic ... I understand how the male body works and if he doesn't get a "boner", it's time to pull out Viagra or Cialis. It's not a disgusting thing, it's a beautiful thing. If the girl is disgusted, she has either an issue with sex (not to say kissing always leads to sex) or an issue with her feelings for the guy lip-locked to her.

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What happens if the guy doesn't have an erection? That would bother me!

If I really like him, think he's mature and all (which is usually the case if he gets that far with me) then I make a point of noticing what's happening with him.

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Hey everyone! I have a quick question...


How the heck do you tell if a guy has a hard-on when you're kissing him, without actually having to touch him down there?


I mean, if he doesn't wear like tight leg-grabbing spandex, can you really still tell? His breathing? His face? Body position? etc.?

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Intresting topic this,


I'm a male, and when i kiss a girl probley, not just a quick kiss on the lips, but making out or somthing i get a boner, or if i flert with them quite abit same thing, and i guess i get a little about it.

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When is it ever hard to see when a guy is hard? The thing just suddenly appears out of nowhere distending his jeans. If his breathing is heavy you got 'em anyway....


Um, so girls actually look around that area? What about in public.


Spontaneous Boners happen.


Didn't know people were on the lookout for 'em.


It can be hard to hide depending on what I'm wearing.




This is kind of sick but I used to be worried about sportin' boners while I was on the school swim team. We of course wore speedos and it doesn't leave all that much to the imagination. Luckily once I got in the pool it was all good. The cold water pretty much solved that issue.


I used to get boners all the time with my ex-gf. Looking at her was often enough. He's got a mind of his own.

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I think whenever that happens that I must look pretty damn hot today.. So it's a huge compliment for me. It makes me want my boyfriend even more... because I know he's probably thinking the same thing too.

But girls shouldn't find it "icky" or "gross" unless they are too immature to handle it.

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