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Why is it wrong when I say it?


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I have this friend who is the kind of friend who pokes fun at you for everything and doesn't take anything you say seriously. In other words, he diminishes you and makes you feel angry. He, however, cannot take a joke.


Yesterday en FB his status read: "I saw a picture of a friend who is no longer among us. Do we wonder if we'll be missed when we are gone?" So I commented on his status saying that he should stop being so dramatic and work on being missed while still alive. He answered that I was the dramatic one and reminded me of some statuses that I've written that have been out there. This is the friend, however, who laughed at me when I cried when our friend (the guy he's referring to) passed away. I answered that at least my drama wasn't pretentious. He wrote me an email saying: "If you ever see something on MY Facebook that you think is fake or pretentious, keep your comments to yourself".


Why do some people get away with being total asses? But then, when I say something insensible he gets scandalized and it looks like I'm just attacking him out of the blue? How do these people navigate through life so easy, without guilt? Why do they need to make people feel like crap? and also, how can I deal with this situation better? Any advice will be soooooooo appreciated.

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Yes, all the time. In my pictures he's always poking fun at me with "not so cute" comments. It seems like his attitude is to constantly remind me that I'm somewhat inferior to him and wants to diminish what I say, think or do. It's just such an annoying situation and I just wished I knew how to stand up to people like him.

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Why do you call him a friend? He sounds like he's really annoying you. Why did you comment on his facebook? You know he can't take a joke. This is what I do when I encounter an annoying person - Leave him alone.


If he initiates contact and says something annoying, make one comment and disengage. Walk away if in person, stop commenting if electronic. That will give your words more meaning. What you're doing now is engaging him in a game you hate to play. You're never going to say the right words to make him stop. You're trying to teach a pig to sing. Leave him alone.

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