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Why Is Life So Unfair???


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You can read my story elsewhere. Three and a half weeks now and I'm still suffering. I gave her everything I had, not only material things but most importantly, emotional support and love and I really mean love. The girl of my dreams, going back 30 years, we finally got it on 10 years ago.


Every day is like a new bereavement. Why? I did nothing wrong. All I ever did was love her and care for her and spoil her. 44 years old and still I feel like I'm never gonna get over this. 3 days NC and it is hurting, I just want to talk to her, to see her.


I am not perfect, far from it but then again who is? I made mistakes but they were very insignificant mistakes. Maybe not in her eyes. This is so hard. Not sure I can see it through. I live in London and I'm so very lonely.

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You can do it man...we all can. Start focusing on you. Everything else will fall into place soon after.


Im going through my second tough break up...the first one I sat and cried everyday for a month. This time, the night OF the break up I went out and had a great time. I work out, I eat better, I AM better. You gotta do the same. Get yourself back. YOu just need some support, but thats fine. We all do!


Some days I feel great, some days I dont. Just try and FORCE yourself to be positive. I think its the only way.

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William James said that You can do nothing wrong and still loose, its life.

I know you are hurting, you poured your life into this girl and you feel like you have lost more than just a GF, but your future went along with you. I completely understand it. I blamed everying under and over the sun. God, life, love, stop lights, whatever I saw I blamed for my break up. But Ill tell you what, life does move on. The sun will still rise and it will set even without this girl in your life. The trick is will you continue to move on with the rest of us, or will you stand still? If you want to cry, then cry, if you want to grieve, then grieve, but know that life continues. Maybe even tho your heart tells you she was the one, she might not be the one for you. Our hearts are like taste buds, it knows what it likes, but doesnt know whats best for you. I love eating Bacon sandwhiches, but its not the best for me.

You are going to be okay. If you get knocked down 8 times, you get up 9, It might take you a while to get up from this one, but you must get up. Dont say life is unfair, life is just life. Is it unfair that A-Rod makes $25mil a year and I dont? Yeah, but its life.

So stand up...dust yourself off, and mend your heart..and remember that you must remain positive, if you think and believe positive thoughts, you will get positive people around you.

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