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A First Love

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Hi Kali,


I'd say the pain is still the same. Some people think that our first loves our the 'greatest' loves, but for me, it's the same for all. Meaning, how you feel about your first love is not going to change. Every relationship is unique in its own sense, but the amount of love that you feel for a person, doesn't really change, if it's true love, because true love is 'unconditional.' Actually, I think that it hurts more the 2nd time around, because for some people, we don't just give our hearts to anyone. It's often that we give our hearts to people who we trust. So to have it shattered the 2nd time around, that's tough. It's like the more you give your heart away, the more it shatters, the less trust you feel, thereforeeee, feel more pain in the end. That's why it's important to be careful with who you give your heart to. Hope this Helps.

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Well I think it hurts the most the first time because you have never experienced any of the emotions that you feel when your heart gets broken the first time. Like the 2nd heartbreak still hurts, but you have felt it before, so its not like this big shock to you. It still does hurt a lot though. It will hurt every single time your heart is broken. Its not really a matter of being better the 2nd time because you will still feel so much pain. The thing to do is just tell yourself that you will grow from the experience. You learn from everything & every time your heart gets broken, its getting stronger & by the time you find that person you are meant to be with, you will know exactly how you want to be loved & how to love them. The best thing to do for yourself when your heart is broken is to cry, let your emotions out. Crying relieves stress & it will make you feel at least a little better at that moment.

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I agree with Mahlina, your second love or 5th maybe better than you first.


the pain of break up never gets easy.



I reason I believe that people think the first love is the greatest, is because, when you have that first love, you have a clean slate, everything is new, and an adventure, you have never been hurt before, so have no fear and give your heart fully.


After you have been hurt, you are a little more carefull in the next relationship, you know now there is a price to pay if you give your heart to the wrong person.


But with experience comes better understanding, and I would have to say, my first love was not my best but it was special.

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in my opinion it depends on when you had your first love, were you young old scared hurt happy, it all depends.


the comfort or pain wefeel is dependent on the situation in life when we love.


my story for instance is being called " one of t he rarest of all soulmates storys and true love"


you can read it al here


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but i searched long for my first love, some people never find them or even to bother to look, but your first "true llove" will always hit you hardest, because it is when your heart awakens to the new feeling that someone out there cares for you more then life itself, and that is perhaps one of the greatest feelings a human can feel.


there were many times in my life when i wish my heart would go away, so i wouldnt feel pain anymore, but also there were times when i would give everything to live those moments again


its what makes us who we really are, and it is the great mystery of the power of love, there is NO FORCE like it or that can MATCH ITS ABILITIES on this earth.


so whether its your first that hurts or your 60th be glad you were able to feel that feeling, and know it will come again.


as the great singer vanessa williams said " it conquers all, but its a mystery"


have a great day all


and may love come sweetly, and not as painful as some would see it, but if it does come with pain, take it from me, that pain means you felt love,





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