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Cant get myself to stick with one girl..

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ok well i've had plenty of problems with girls. I can never get myself to stick with one. Right now im real close to this one girl but idk theres been this one other girl who i have been thinking of like everyday since january. She use to like me but i was just scared to start sumthin with her b.c she likes to flirt and i didnt want to get hurt. Its weird b/c all of my friends say i like her b/c shes hott and all this, but i know its more than that. B/c when i hang out with her i just feel like i can b myself and i mean if i dont see her for like 2 weeks ill begin to forget about her. But when i see her agen all my feelings come back, but even stronger than before. Neway im going to tell this new girl im close to now that i think we shoudl b friends b/c we never really do hangout or nething... she never can. So i want to start focusing on this other girl. All her friends tell me she likes me but i think she also likes this other kid. He was one of my good friends who just recently moved. She talks to him evry night and day. I barely talk to her nemore b/c shes always talkin with my friend. i guess im alittle jealous or w/e b/c i want to talk to her and all she does is talk to my old good friend. I mean he moved real far away and like theres no way they can each have a relationship b/c it wouldnt work, they know it as well as i do. I dont want to like bother her but i want to talk to her about like us having sumthing. I really do like her a lot and i cant stop thinking of her. We've had things on and off since last summer, but now i want to have sumthing for her that i havent had before and i really want to commit to this with her. But now another problem arises, im like great friends with her sister and her friend. ive been hanging out with them 2 for the past 2 weekds and now her sister is beginning to like me. She knows i like her sister but idk she dont seem too care. i talked to her for awhile and we are going to slow down as for hanging out for her not to like me nemroe. but I still really want to start sumthing with this girl no matter wat, but now i dont want to hurt her sisters feelings. another thing is that i feel weird talkin to her on the phone about it b/c ill just b shy and i wont have the courage to do it. So i think im going to tell her on the computer but then it wont mean as much. I really like this girl alot shes been all ive been thinking about lately and all i want to do is have her know b/c then i will have no regrets later about telling her. But idk if im doing the right thing. I just need to know if im doing the right thing and if so then how do i finish it off.... and also if all goes well can u give me some tips and how i can make myself stay loyal to her b/c i want a long relationship and i just want to make sure i like her for along time soo how can i keep myself feeling strongly for her..??

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Alright, I'm a bit confused as to who you like/who's in your life/who you've dated, etc., but the bottom line is this.....you're 16 and can date casually whomever you please, as long as you don't lead them on and make them think there's more there than there really is for you. Just be honest with the girls you're interested in, and that way there's no surprises down the road and no one's angry at you for "hiding" anything! If you like this girl AND her sister, well, which one do you like more? You can't date both-impossible situation. If you want to take out the one girl, let the other one know that you like them as a friend, but it's not right or fair to date both, and your feelings veer more towards the one as opposed to the other. Be KIND!!!



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