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I just found out I have anxiety problems. I always knew I had some kind of anxiety issues but I didn't realise how much it was really affecting my life. It really all makes sense now, because of all the other problems I have with my relationship -it's because of my anxiety. This occurred to me last night as an epiphany. I knew I was right on the money. But I am going to start seeing a counseller at my college when school starts up again.


Are there any natural techniques I can use to ease my anxiety before I get to see a counseller?


And does medication really make a difference? Can you handle this without medication? And if you've taken medication for anxiety - how are the side-affects?


Thanks. I'm happy to know what my problem is. But I'm scared at the same time.

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I took medication for my anxiety. Been on it for a few months now, and it works a little bit as well. Only side effects I have noticed are feeling slightly sluggish for a few days when you start, feeling a little down now and then and I yawned a lot for a time. Missing a pill one day didn't have any effect.


Can't really help you on the natural techniques though.

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When I feel anxious I will do a breathing exercise that really calms me down. I will take a deep breath in through my nose slowly and out through my mouth slowly exhaling. I repeat this 9 times bringing the total to 10 breaths. This is great since it, according to my understanding of an article, increases oxygen to the brain and forces out CO2. Also drinking water helps me.

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