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Will everyone just leave?

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Hey everyone. I was just wondering about my future today, and I came upon a painful thought. I have a few really close friends. They mean everything to me, and I dont know what I would do without them. But today I started thinking about college. And I started wondering what is going to happen when we all leave. Will we still be friends? Will we ever see eachother again? I know that this is a long ways off in my future, but it still bothers me. Is it normal to feel this way, or am I just over-reacting?

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You will see them again in college. You may go to college in different states, but you can still visit each other, call each other, & see each other over the summer. Who knows, you may even go to the same college. It is still so far off though, about 5 years, a lot can happen in that time & things may change. You may grow apart from some friends or make new ones. In college, you will meet so many new people & some will become life long friends. I go to college & I still see my friends every once in awhile. I don't see them every day like I used to before college, but I still see them at least once every other week.

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Trust me. Your friends will still be calling you. No matter how many friends we might meet in college, our old time buddies will always be there. We will always share that strong bond that we can't really find with other friends. That's just among my group of friends though. We still call each other for heart-to-heart advice, and still hang out with each other, even if we all disperse, and go to different college. I had a friend who was in college all the way out in Jersey. We still kept in touch, and now that she's back, we're still tight like we were from way back.


Don't worry Dreng. I'm sorry to hear that you feel worried about the situation. But the old saying goes, "Your true friends stay with you forever," is true. I find that as people get older, finding out who your true friends is like panning for gold. You'll make new friends, meet new people, but they're a dime a dozen. Your true friends are like gold. A relationship like that is solid. I guess it's more because your life experiences of growing up, strengthens that bond. You guys will always understand each other on a different level. So Dreng, you don't have to worry k? In one way or the other, you guys might lose touch for some 'short' amount of time (busyness), but you guys will probably contact each other, sooner or later. Take Care! Mahlina

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hey, your only 13. you still have a few more years before this really sits in. (I just saw that you live in hawaii, and I guess if some go out of state and others don't, then it might be hard to meet up, but I guess it really wouldn't be that much of a difference if a person was in in LA and another was in Maine)

I'm fixing to be a junior and these thoughts went through our heads at the end of the school year. My class is mostly "close". Everyone knows everyone. In 2 years you get to meet alot of people in your class. But ours is only 73 people big, and may get smaller(freshman year had around 80, but people move and other just decide the school is too tough). We are the smallest class in our school, all because they accepted too many now-seniors. Each class is too roughly have 100. 20 people i will never know becuase of this, but oh well.

So yeah so like the final two months I remember "high school reunion" coming up in class. Our school is a magnet(specializes in one area or more areas of study, but still has the other classes, they're just harder), and didn't become a full time school until it moved in with 5 other magnets in '95 to a new school building. So I brought that up that our school has never really had a real school reunion. They won't until 2 years(if it's every 10 years, i think there's 5 year ones), and the first year here enrollment was that high so the class wasn't even as big as us. The first class to ever go through our school and our school only would be the class of '99.

A girl brings up that her parents were not invited to their own reunion cause they forgot and they found out later on. She was worried she might be forgotten too, but she's just not that forgetable.

So all this talk basically just got everyone worried. We have like 2 years left. It's hard imagining the rest of my life without some people, but that is just the way life goes. Some people are only meant to enter you life for brief moments. Just make the next couple of years the best they can be.


So to cut this short, just count yourself lucky you have close friends. Some of us have lived for 17 years and not had one.

You can't see into the future. There are a numerous things that can keep you apart. But I guess true friendship is the only thing other than chance that dan draw you closer.

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