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Am I being overly paranoid?

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So, I dont know whos familiar with my silly situation but I basically got very attached to the girl whos now my ex-gf and she left me 2 months ago because she said her feelings for me were gone. Basically, some time went by, I made a fool of myself many times and we've been in and out of contact since.


Today she contacted me for the first time in a couple weeks, she sent me a text to see how Im doing. We had a pretty lengthy text conversation (I usually dont send more than 1 or 2 texts) and she said she got her license and that she was doing very well. She said shes had her ups and downs but that shes doing great and that shes happier than shes been in a while. I just found it weird how she had to say 3 times how well she was doing and that she was "happier than shes been in a while". I think its just bc she got her license and shes really excited, but the paranoid part of me thinks she met someone else and thats why we hadnt talked in a couple weeks, but then I thought about it and shes not the spiteful kind of person who would text me to say someone else is making her happy. I didnt ask why shes so happy because I didnt want to seem desperate, I just said "glad to hear youre doing well" and then she asked about me some and that was the end of it. I just dont know why this bothers me so much, it shouldnt. If anything, if she did meet someone else, shed tell me so Id get off her back for good (not that Ive been on it, because as Ive said, we havent talked much) This just seemed out of the blue and I dont know if I should be worried

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The reason you're worried is probably because you still have feelings for her. And randomly talking to her like that obviously isn't helping you get over her, she texted you literally to see how you were doing probably and that was it, think nothing of it. Who cares if she met someone, your single and so is she, go out and live your life, i promise you will meet someone else in the future and things will get better.

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