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Broke no contact after 12 days, now im in worse pain!


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Broke no contact with my ex after 12 days yesterday. We actually broke up the first part of july but we kept in contact. Then id spend the night for about 2 weeks after someone tried to break in her house. Any way i said i had to know if we were going to work it out and she said no. Went no contact. We use to live together and i thought that i left something really important to me there at her house. I texted her i needed to go in the attic this week and she said ok. Well she has a two year old that i love as my own, and the more i thought about it the more i knew it wasnt good for the little one to see me. I dont want her hurting because im not there. So i sent my best friend. Which happens to be the husband of her best friend. Long story short he got some of my things for me, and also let me know she was going to go on a date with some guy. Guess this guy kept asking her out and she said no. Finally she said yes and is going. Now im back to the no sleeping and feeling like my heart has been stomped on! What do I do now???

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i know that you feel like your hold world has been destroyed and you can picture nothing but her and another guy right now but IT WILL GET BETTER!! If you have gone through break ups in the past then you will already know this - I recommend thinking back to the last time you felt pain like this and then remember getting through it and picture your life in a year's time. A life free from pain.


I also recommend a book called 'it's called a breakup because it's broken'. It really helped me in the past and I'm sure will do the same for you. Hang in there buddy, you will get through this!!

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