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heated up debate "cacasian asian" attraction

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My friend and I had this debate about why cacasian guys likes asian girls. I'm personally an asian guy and were arguing with my asian female friend about why cacasian guy have this taste for asian girls. My debate was that I feel that the cacasian guys have this thing for the small body and the cute face whereas my female friend said it's all about personality... she mention something about asian girls are more tradition and treat the husband better and stuff along the line


I personally don't believe that cacasian guys are attracted to asian girls because of the personality AT FIRST... they are attracted physically FIRST, then everything else comes along... whereas my female friend mentions all about personality and such... which i totally disagree on that it's what attracted the cacasian guys. Perhaps it's just me, but i personally don't think males are constructed to see girl's personality first and are attracted to them. Personality is what lasts, but at first... it has to be physical attraction...


Any opinions on that? cuz i'm getting a bit heated up arguing with her

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Well physically I am attracted to Asian women, that may get me through the door, but what keeps me there would be there personality.


I am 6 ft 2, so naturally im attracted to petit women, lol...


Ill be moving to Cali soon San Fco area, who knows, Its not that i go looking for Asian woman, I like all petites, personality would be why I would marry/love them.

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I've noticed that myself. I think that they are attracted by looks first then personality. But you have to throw in the fact that all guys don't think the same, so it's pretty much a double standard.


I know this doesn't help much, but it's my opinion.

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"Rice pickers" are my speciality! I am an Asian female and most of my b/fs have been caucasion. I believe that guys, whatever their nationality may be, all go for looks FIRST then personality. I believe that your friend is just trying to prove a point that there are many Caucasion guys that are genuine and not just out for sex with an Asian female. This is true in my experience for many of my ex's who are Caucasion have been wonderful people.


But many Caucasions don't consider or think that dating an Asain female brings a lot of other cultural standards of which they are not used to. For example, table manners. In the Chinese culture, you pour tea for the eldest at the table first. These things are new to the Western lifestyle and can be a turn off or turn on to certain people.


Besides, what does it matter whether a Caucasion male goes for an Asian female? The colour of one's skin should not determine what kind of relationship you'll have with one another.

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if you read page two of asking out a date you will see iam a white caucasian who loves asian girls only. i just have this thing. but iam also mainly inot the cultural. i collect buddhas. and iam christian weird huh. i love kun fu and all. so i really do like the way they look. i have never seen a ugly asian girl in my life. thats the turth. because all of them are small. and being a small guy i really like to have a girl the same weight and height. but persoanlity with asians in unrivaled. they have the best personality. they are kind. really good listeners. and maybe sterotypical but always in the smartest school s out there. i saw a whole bunch of asians going to summer school. i was schocked. later i found out that they were just going to freshin up on the subject. woah now thats determination

so i really do go for both. but i think your rigtht when you say looks. i just love them. too bad delaware has none. good forum. go to

link removed and forums for good forums liek that

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hehe, I rememeber when i was a kid, they told me they were side ways, i never believed that. just weird what people make up.


I have not had the opportunity to taste that theory myself, Im sure that if its with someone I love with all my heart, that its always going to be sweet.

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I'm quite young and everything so I really dont have much of a clue as to why I would particulary like asian girls, but there is this one girl I like, quite alot. I sat infront of her in class this last year, so naturally we got to talking quite alot. I think it's probably the "mystery" around her, I mean, I'm norwegian, and there isnt like many asians or otherwise not norwegian people around. This mainly because the population of my whole country is about the size of one American City . basically though, for my part, I just think asian girls are myserious, and I find that whole oriental tradition very intriguing (spelling?) and sexy .

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I am half Asian (Chinese) and half Caucasian (Swedish, Finnish, English, and Scots) and I love Scandinavian and British guys!! I find that I'm not attracted to Asian guys, although when I went to Japan I saw a lot of really attracted Japanese men. I attend a school that is about 80% Asian in San Francisco so I knew I was in trouble... However my boyfriend is half Asian (Filipino) and half white (mixture of everything European except, ironically, neither British nor Scandinavian!!)

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To all those guys out there,


What is the deal with calling Asian women exotic? As an Asian women, I have been called exotic by a lot of Caucasian men and find the term objectifying and demeaning. A guy I dated once told me that it is intended as a compliment. Any thoughts?

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iam white and quite young. but i know and study asian culture. i collect buddhas. but i have noticed that they are called exotic when it really makes no sense. you would think like girls from amazon of the jungle of africa or something would be exotic. and also when someones says yeah iam asian. according to definition that could be describe someone who is chinese japanese korean and believe it or not it inclueds iraq iran india too. and oriental also includes people from india. who dont really look like chinese and other eastern peoples. but with exotic i dont know why they say that but i do think it was term given to asian women when they first cam over to work on the railroad. mainly because they lookes so different from the whites.

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According to the OED




A. adj.


1. a. Belonging to another country, foreign, alien (obs.). b. In narrowed sense: Introduced from abroad, not indigenous. Now chiefly of plants (in popular language with added sense of 'not naturalized or acclimatized'); also, of words, forms of speech or writing, fashions, etc.



c. Drawn from outside; extrinsic. Also, Foreign in character, alien to. Obs.


2. a. Of or pertaining to, or characteristic of a foreigner, or what is foreign (now rare); hence b. Outlandish, barbarous, strange, uncouth. Also, having the attraction of the strange or foreign, glamorous.



c. spec. Of or pertaining to strip-tease or a strip-teaser. orig. U.S.



d. Designating any of various high-energy fuels, esp. non-hydrocarbon ones, developed orig. for rocket engines; also applied to certain metals not previously used to a significant extent in technology. orig. U.S.

B. n.


1. a. A plant, formerly also an animal, of foreign extraction; in popular language, a foreign plant not acclimatized or naturalized.



b. transf. and fig.


c. An exotic dancer (see sense A. 2c, above), a stripper. orig. U.S.



2. A person of foreign origin; a foreigner. rare.



Hence exoticness, exotic or foreign quality.



From all the official definitions, exotic has connotations of foreigness and not-belonging to them or a strip-teaser. It's a word that is used to market, to sell - just google exotic asian and you'll get a querry filled with ads about mail order brides, etc. I've never taken exotic as a compliment and I know for a fact that I'm not the only Asian-American woman out there who does not like the term.

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as an asian girl with other asian girl friends, i know that none of us likes the terms 'oriental' or 'exotic' to be used when describing us. to me, it makes me feel like a novelty. you may as well point and stare at me behind bars at a circus.

although when we went to england and 'asian' meant indians instead of chinese/japanese etc, we had to make do with the 'oriental' tag by default. so maybe its just conditioning.

i've lived in sydney for 20 of my 23 years and yet people still judge me by my hair and eyes. during the olympics, i was waiting for friends on a bench and a stranger walked up and asked "are you okay? are you lost?"

a customer (i work in a shop) once said "your english is really good" as a compliment to which i replied, "it should be, i've been here a while."

so i know a lot of people think they're being compassionate and tolerant when they ask such things, but these little things sometimes makes me wonder why i stay somewhere where so many people assume instantly that i don't belong.


think before you speak (but not too much or you might never say them at all!!!)

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