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Is it normal for a straight woman like me: who has a wonderful, steady bf who turns me on and I love him, etc

Is it normal for me to fantasize often about other women and I can get off doing this? Like is this normal? Am I gay?.....because I don't think I am at all. But I'm confused.

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I vote: You are normal.

My advice: don't worry about it unless it because a problem with your relationship.


I know it will never become a problem with my relationship, but it seems like I fantasize often about women and sometimes I even watch lesbein porn.


I was wondering if I'm the only woman who does that sort of thing. I'm a little embarressed admitting it actually but I'm just a little confused about it.

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No, it's pretty normal.


Don't forget that fantasy isn't reality. Lots of people have fantasies that get them off even though the reality would be a complete turn off.


Thanks agent!


I guess it's just something that turns me on. I'm a little embaressed but I just had to ask.

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I would never dream of kissing a girl or touching a girl in any way.. that doesn't turn me on. But seeing a girl with a nice body in a movie would probably get me going. Doesn't really make sense. But oh well.


I'm the opposite. Like if I see a girl with a nice body -I don't think twice about it. But if I think about a girl sexually (never anyone I know) it just turns me on.

But I've heard other women say that they have no trouble watching a lesbein porno. I don't know if they get turned on by it -but I do....

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I think you're Bisexual. Straight Women don't get aroused thinking about other women. Our fantasies (the ones that bring us to orgasm) tell us more about our desires than what our conscious brain tries to tell itself. just my opinion.


Bisexuality and sexual fluidity are way common in Women.

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I think you're Bisexual. Straight Women don't get aroused thinking about other women. Our fantasies (the ones that bring us to orgasm) tell us more about our desires than what our conscious brain tries to tell itself. just my opinion.


Bisexuality and sexual fluidity are way common in Women.


Please don't forget that people have images of women (who are held to be the absolute focus of beauty and sexuality ect) shoved at them all day long. That will get inside your head, it doesn't necessarily mean anything about your orientation at all.


To be frank: I got off last night thinking about when Sherlock (in the new show Holmes) stood on the taxi drivers shoulder in the end of the first ep. Very cruel moment and very hot. In RL is would just be plain awful.

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I think you're Bisexual. Straight Women don't get aroused thinking about other women. Our fantasies (the ones that bring us to orgasm) tell us more about our desires than what our conscious brain tries to tell itself. just my opinion.


Bisexuality and sexual fluidity are way common in Women.



I know what you mean but I really don't think I am. But like I said, I am confused by this so who knows.

The weird thing is: if I see a sexy girl walking by I don't think of her sexually at all. Actually I get all insecure and wonder if my boyfriend is looking at her and I hope that I'm prettier/sexier than her and all that -like it's a competition. I always compare myself to other women (although I know that's not healthy.)


But I don't know. Maybe I'm just not 100% straight.

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I see a sexy girl walking by I don't think of her sexually at all. Actually I get all insecure and wonder if my boyfriend is looking at her and I hope that I'm prettier/sexier than her and all that -like it's a competition. I always compare myself to other women (although I know that's not healthy.)


Here's how I see it. Women and girls in our society are so brainwashed by the media and the powers that be into competing with other women to gain access to male power. We try to improve our place in society via men, rather than investing in ourselves and forming alliances with one another.


Your competitiveness towards other women, and jealousy might be partly due to some animalistic heterosexual, hormonal possessiveness toward your man, but don't forget that it might also be partly the result of the way you've been socialised.


If your socialisation is too severely ingrained, it's going to overpower any lust you might have to attractive women, especially if you haven't yet given those same sex attraction feelings a chance to mature.


I used to have competitive feelings towards women when I was younger. It wasn't until I started educating myself about how society pits women against each other, that those feelings released their grip on me.

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I would love to stop feeling that competitiveness towards other women. I could be so relaxed and enjoying myself, and then another woman walks by and I get all tense and secretly wonder if my boyfriend thinks she's better than me -how ridiculous right?

Thanks for your post.

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I consider myself to be heterosexuall, but I can get aroused by watching a girl in a straight porno or lesbian porn. Even if I watch straight porn, it's the girl that I'm interested in.


I've never dated a girl and I have no desire to be in a romantic relationship with one. However, I have done sexual things with two girls in the past (once each time), but I don't really have any desire to do that again in the future.


I don't think it's strange at all.

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I don't think it's strange at all.


I don't think it's strange at all either, nor do I think it's straight at all. On what planet is same sex sexual attraction a sign of absolute unwavering heterosexuality?


Just cause you don't want to date women doesn't cancell out the fact that you've had same sex desires. When you get turned on looking at Lesbian porn, that's your homosexual side showing itself.


As long as there are Gay men and straight Women out there who have zero attraction to women, who have zero arousal from watching Lesbian porn, who have zero desire to ever "fool around" with a woman, then you going on what you've said, are indisputably further along on the Lesbian end of the scale than they will ever be.

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Who said anything about, "absolute unwavering heterosexuality"--- I said that I personally consider myself to be heterosexual. Why? Because 98% of the time, I'm attracted to men, have sex with men, and fantasize about men.


My great-great-great-great- grandfather is white, but that's such a small percentage of me that I don't consider myself to be white at all. According to you, I've been mislabeling myself all over the place and should now add white to my ethnic background everytime someone asks.


Why is it that if someone is not 100% this or that, you've got to put them somewhere in the middle?


I recently found out that my friend, who was born and raised a vegetarian, once ate a turkey sandwich in middle school, and will occaisonally salivate over the smell of a juicy burger. Does that mean that she's not a vegetarian either?

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Why is it that if someone is not 100% this or that, you've got to put them somewhere in the middle?


hmm. I've never been questioned on that before. Just a personal preference I suppose. Maybe I'm being a little bit autistic on this, but I like honesty. That small percent is more important to me than you obviously. 1%/99% not such a big deal, but 10%/90% worth mentioning in my opinion.


I'd prefer that if a person was 90/10 (hetero/homo), that they would define themselves as "for the most part straight" rather than "straight."


I met a woman once, who stated that she was bisexual, but that she only dated men. She was probably similar to our OP. It's a good way to give an honest answer, without giving any false hope to the girls if your not interested emotionally.

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