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Terrible decision-making.

im rly mad

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I've noticed that I just generally make awful decisions... I don't know if they're out of fear, stupidity, or bad luck, but they have cost me a lot of money, time, and self-respect.


I want to be better and much quicker at making decisions, but I really don't know how.


I want to move out of the U.S., but I'm afraid to decide on where to move. I know I should travel there first and see if I like it, but I'm just way too afraid of spending so much money and time trying to travel to a certain place only to find I don't like it.


I have no clue what types of classes I should take and I feel like I don't even know what I feel like doing. I literally don't have any idea what I like to do.


I'm afraid of practicing something only to not improve and find that I just can't do that particular thing.


I know these things come with experience, and just trial and error, but I've been living in fear and worry with these thoughts my entire life. I have tried to read books about goal setting, positive thinking, and meditation, but I just can't generate any reasonable goals- no matter how big or small- that I can accomplish without these recurring thoughts.


I truly feel that I cannot change. With that attitude I won't, obviously. But I don't know how to change that attitude. Therapy hasn't seemed to do anything for me.

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Okay you want to live in another country, but don't know where. I'd study international business and then go with the study abroad program, just pick a place of interest and go there for a semester. It's the best way to travel and experience other cultures with a safety net of sorts.

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