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I want to move....but there is a problem

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Hi all-new to this forum.


I have been dating my boyfriend for 6.5 years now. He was in the Air Force, stationed in TX and Im here in PA. I actually moved to TX when he got out of the Air Force and stayed down there for about 7 months. I loved it---but I ended up missing my family and things between me and Josh (my bf) were argumentative so I just needed time to myself. Now that me and Josh are really fantastic again, I want to move back down to Texas...the only problem is my parents.


Mind you I am 24 and I can make my own decisions, but if I move back down there again my parents will stop communication with me for a while and possibly never accept Josh. My parents tried to stop me the last time I went down to TX and didnt talk to me the first month I was down there. I have a good job up here, but I really loved it down there. I really have no friends up here and i am bored ALL of the time.


Down in TX I had the most amazing friends, awesome life and was just happy everyday. Here is my family which I would miss dearly if i moved again. The reason they don't want me going to TX is because they will miss me too much and think it because I dont want to spend time with them anymore. They were always controling when I was little...but we are all extremely close.


They do not like my boyfriend (who would like to marry me) because they think he is stealing me away from them. But he wants me to have a great relationship with them. If I move again, Im afraid that my parents will become too depressed again and unable to deal with me being away (my mom has some anxiety disorders). They love me very very much as I love them too, but I just want to move away from this boring life and be with Josh and my friends. PA and TX are too far apart.


Im not sure what I should do. Any advice?

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They do not like my boyfriend (who would like to marry me) because they think he is stealing me away from them. But he wants me to have a great relationship with them. If I move again, Im afraid that my parents will become too depressed again and unable to deal with me being away (my mom has some anxiety disorders). They love me very very much as I love them too, but I just want to move away from this boring life and be with Josh and my friends. PA and TX are too far apart.


I understand your parents will miss you dearly. 'm sure if you communicate with them that you're not leaving their life as well as have plans to visit they will eventually accept it; even if it's not any time soon. You're a grown adult. You need to do what makes you happy and your parents should also support your good decision.

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