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*update* new problem!


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So I started NC with my ex roughly 2 weeks ago. I have no idea what's up with her. Last time I checked, she was seeing another guy (which I already knew about before I went NC) and they've been having problems. I emailed her before I went NC and wished the best of luck with her and the rebound. I've been going through good days and bad days. Lately, my days have been going smoothly and today I think I hit a bump. I've been hanging out with a lot of my friends lately and been having a good time with them. We've been posting a lot of status updates on facebook about us having fun and everything. Well, my ex is mutual friends on facebook with one of my closest friends. They haven't been talking. Recently, my ex wanted to add one of my other friends (which is a girl and they've talked before about our ex relationship) so my friend confirmed her as friends on facebook. So there really is no other reason I can see why my ex wanted to add my friend unless she wants to spy on me? I don't know but I'm gonna remain NC. Oh and I couldn't help but to see my ex's facebook profile through my friends profile and my ex is still single. I have no idea if my ex and her "rebound" are still talking.

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In the end it doesn't matter what she does, she could be spying on you or she could not be. In the end it should have the same effect on you. If she is spying then that is good for you and probably gives you a bit of a ego boost. The best thing to do is stay NC as you have said and wait until there is something a little more direct.

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