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How does anyone afford to travel?


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My FI and I have never been out of the country. Well, actually, I went to Mexico and Belize on a cruise once, but I didn't see much, as we were in each port for just a few hours. We both really want to go to Europe but don't even have passports. Last night I was looking at flights on Travelzoo to various countries in Europe that we would like to go to, and even some we don't have high on our list just to see if they're cheaper. And each flight per person is $900 and up! We are getting married in April, so I did the dates right after our wedding for 6 days. So it'd be $2000 just to fly over there after our wedding!! Not even counting places to stay, eat, other travel expenses, etc.


We really really want to travel one day, even if we don't get to go for our honeymoon (we're looking into Savannah, GA, for our honeymoon right now). But how in the world is it ever going to be affordable? We don't have credit cards, and we both make about $1600 a month at our jobs. We're paying for the wedding ourselves. Our parents aren't wealthy at all. How will we ever afford to see the places we want to see?

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I'm wondering how people afford to pay for them if they aren't wealthy. Sweepstakes are like lotteries. I don't know many who travel on those.


Not at all like the lottery. The lottery is something you could do a lifetime and never win. Sweepstakes, you WILL win. But not many people believe this and that is why most people don't enter them.


The only travel we have done is on frequent flier miles, hotel points and rental car credits. I don't enter for many trip sweepstakes since most of them are for only two people. Not that many good trips for four.

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The best thing I have done lately is to put money aside in my savings automatically each month. I transfer it from my checkings each month. I treat it like a credit card payment, but the great news is that it's going to me!


I started putting $250 in each month last year and when I finished off my last credit card, I added that $100 to my monthly savings total. I also put any extra money I received in there as well. You'd be amazed by how fast that money adds up when you're not touching it. I have almost 7,000 saved just from February of last year. Not bad.


With two incomes, you both should be able to put something aside each month and before you know it you'll have plenty of cash to burn.


I LOVE Savannah, GA, so I hope you guys enjoy it there!!

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We put aside money every month, but it seems to not get bigger. Our bills are about $2500 a month, combined. Maybe a little more. So on top of trying to have a social life (and I'm talking maybe a movie once every few weeks at a discounted theatre, a small dinner every few weeks, etc) and saving for a rainy day (b/c it's good to have a cushion just in case), we don't have much left over.

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Hers, I thought I remembered you posting that you won a trip from a drawing at the bridal bazaar that you went to? All you had to do was listen to a speil about buying cookware. Are you going to do that?


A lot of people travel using mileage rewards from credit cards. T and his bf do that. I've done that before. Also, if you are flexible with days and times (and/or go in off season), you can find good deals on flights and hotels via websites like Travelocity, Expedia, etc.


And yes, people do establish a "vacation fund" and put aside money for it from each paycheck. It requires a bit of discipline and probably some sacrifice.


I hope you are able to travel out of the US. I haven't done it in a long time, but when I did it, it was fun to see new cultures and experience new places. I've mostly been to Canada, parts of Asia, and Australia, mainly because I have relatives living in those places and it helps to have the opportunity to stay with relatives.


BTW, if you are going to get your passports, best to do it this year, because I heard they are raising passport prices next year. Passports are good for 10 years.

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Thanks, Renny.


The free trip didn't work out. I did some research online and it turns out it was a scam


I'm looking at cruises right now. $850 for the 2 of us, 2 days after our wedding, to the Bahamas. That's a little more doable but still seems so steep.

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Thanks, Renny.


The free trip didn't work out. I did some research online and it turns out it was a scam


I'm looking at cruises right now. $850 for the 2 of us, 2 days after our wedding, to the Bahamas. That's a little more doable but still seems so steep.


How long is the cruise for? Look at this way, a cruise could be a good deal, since cruises are "all-inclusive" which means food and drink (except for alcohol) and lodging is taken care of with the price you pay at purchase. You get to see the Bahamas and spend a few hours at each port (which gives you time to go out and explore and get a feel for the place).


I've always wanted to take a cruise but have never done so because it is NOT cost effective to go on a cruise by oneself (then have to pay for whole cabin) and my mom absolutely refuses to go on a cruise (she gets seasick) , and T hates cruises.


If you can swing it, I think you should take a cruise to the Bahamas. It is a good honeymoon and you will get to see sights you don't get to see often.

Also, if you find that you like the Bahamas while on the cruise there, you can make plans to go back there in the future and spend a week or so there, and start saving up for it.

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It's amazing to me how many people put their trips on charge cards.


One couple I know made a profit selling their home and blew every last bit on a trip.


My nephew is in Europe backpacking right now, staying in hostels.


You can do it the right way by charging stuff on cards to get the mileage points and paying off the card every month. A lot of people do that to get the mileage and free rewards.

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You can do it the right way by charging stuff on cards to get the mileage points and paying off the card every month. A lot of people do that to get the mileage and free rewards.


I've heard people talking about that, Ren. I wish I had the nerve to do it, but I'm too afraid of getting back into debt. Would probably find myself in a bind and not be able to pay it off.


(And yes, I won those Claritin pills in May, just got them today. It's 360 pills.)

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I filed bankruptcy about 2 years ago. Hence no credit card. Not to mention, I'm NEVER getting myself in that sort of debt again. I don't regret filing, but i know better for the rest of my life never to be in such debt again. So no credit cards here.

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I asked myself the very same question about a week ago. I was looking into visiting France with my bf. Just the tickets round trip for both of us were around $4000!!!! Needless to say that's a no go for a while.


We have since decided to take a road trip to Canada and plan on spending $1500 all inclusive with gas, hotel, spending money... We are planning on using money from our financial aid packages from school and really setting a strict budget. That's the only way we can afford it.


I think a cruise sounds like a really neat idea for you and your fiance. Plus it sounds semi affordable versus the alternatives.

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Brittney, road trips are fun. You will have a good time.


I used to do a lot of road trips around the Midwest, when I lived out there. It was fun to go to different cities and different states.


How long do you plan your road trip to be?


We live fairly close to the Canadian border around 6 hours away. I'm guessing around 3 nights 4 days. It depends on the prices of the hotel. I am also open to the idea of a hostel to save money and stay longer. I stayed at a hostel in San Francisco and it was actually a neat experience.

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