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birth control alone?


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Is it a bad idea? Is my birth contol effective enough? I've never missed a day so far.


I was on the pill for 10 years and my husband and I were monogamous so we never used condoms during that time. We are a very fertile combination (got pregnant instantly when we were planning it). We still never had any problems with the effectiveness of the pill. The pill is 99% effective when used properly. Taking it at the same time each day and ensuring that you use backup methods if you have any situations that would interfere with it (i.e. taking antibiotics, stomach/digestive issues, taking herbs like St. John's Wort or Kava) is crucial.


However when we didn't use condoms, it was with the understanding that if we were part of the 1% who had an unplanned pregnancy while on the pill, that it would not be life shattering.


If a pregnancy would be life shattering for you right now, you may want to continue to use condoms or another backup method like spermicide or a diaphram, etc.


STD risk a whole other category of worries but if you trust each other and are a monogamous couple, that is your judgement to make.

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