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Well, this may seem like a strange dilemma, but I'm not sure if I'm homosexual or bisexual. I know I am absolutely attracted to males, but I can sometimes look at a beautiful woman (I'm very very picky when it comes to women) and become aroused. The idea of being with a woman doesn't disgust me, but I just don't see it happening. All in all, I'm much more interested in men than I am in women.


The main reason that I ask is that I have not come out to my parents yet. I am very nervous about it, and feel that if I tell them I'm gay when in actuality I'm bisexual then it'll be weird if I ever decide to date a girl. It would just be like I'm going back on what I said before, and would just be strange. I'm just not sure if I truly am bisexual or if maybe I just haven't fully admitted to myself that I'm exclusively gay, and at this point I'm just holding on to any semblance of normalcy. Please help me and give me advice. Thanks in advance.

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U could well be 100% gay, but have those feelings for some beautiful women because u feel its the norm, so it influences u to feel partly bi-sexual. It might be that your just a bit confused (lots of younger people experience these moments) What age are you?


I can imagine it would be hard to tell your parents. so probably for the best that u make sure u are definitely gay before announcing it to them. They are your parents, and they may be disappointed, but they love u still.


Can i ask why u prefer guys over girls?

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Well if you tell your parents your gay, and you end up with a woman, your parents will just think, oh good that was just a phase etc.


Just do what you feel is right, your going to be with someone because you like them, not because you have to adhere to some statement or declaration.

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I'm 16.


Right. It just seems like it would be more difficult for me to say I'm bi than to say that I'm gay, because if I say I'm bi they would always expect me to be with a girl and just think about guys. I don't know.


I just don't really see myself with a girl. I flirt with girls all the time for fun, but I can't imagine getting in a heavy relationship. Like I said, it's not disgusting, it just doesn't seem as right to me as being with a guy. I just like them so much more.


I guess the best thing to do is to give it some time, and see how things go. I know my parents will love me no matter what, and my sister would be comfortable with it (she has a healthy fascination with drag queens lol).

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seems to me you are bi,the first few lines u wrote in your message had me thinking thats exacty how i think of men and women.

i no im bi but somtimes i go for guys more.maybe there is somthing in this message for you,i hope so.

good luck with the future mick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like guy's. I mean part of girls are appealing to me too (IE Vagina) I've done the relationship with guys though but I want to be with a girl. Not neccerily mainly for the intamcy. I just dunno. I'm out and everyone accepts me but I guess I just have urges to date girls and some sexually. I'm gay right and this is just a phase? I thought maybe you guys could help.

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