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Hey, just in case you don't know the scoop here it is you can read it now by clicking the following link: link removed


Ok, i am going to see Lauren in about 6 days. Woah! after reading my story, how do i approach her, what do i say. What do i do? Do i try and impress her or ignore her?


All advice is welcome, if you possibly could give a descriptive idea about what i should do and how...


Because of your advice i am hoping to see results even though it is not a guarentee... If you would like an update on the situation it will be posted as a new topic in "Getting back together" Topic" It is ment to be this way" (that could be either she loves me again or she has rejected me. it will be posted most likely Augest 1 2004.


Thank you all just for looking at this post, but as always please respond or Pm or IM me if you have any advice or response....once again all is welcome. Looking to see your replies


--John 8) 8) 8


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Alright John.


I read your previous post. You seriously need to relax. Don't get caught up in the idea that she's the only one for you. That's the best way to get hurt. It almost sounds like your in love with the idea of being in love. You need to be in love with her. So don't go to camp with high expectations. That is how you will get badly hurt and go into a deep depression. Tell yourself "It'll be great if it works out but I'm not going to expect anything."


Also, you absolutely need to be yourself, 100%. Trying to impress a girl in ways that are not you just makes you appear to be fake. And fake is the worst thing you can be. For example, if she says, "I really like Good Charlotte" and you say "Yeah, I think theyre awesome too", then she asks "Whats your favorite song" and then, because you've never listened to Good Charlotte and have no idea what any of their songs are names, you come up with a lame answer like "I like them all!". It would have been better for you to honestly answer "I don't like them very much, but I do like _____". You find more out about eachother that way and find out if your really meant for eachother.


Also, since you say your under 18, please remember that you have so much more life ahead of you. If she rejects you, remember that there will always be another. Hey, maybe one of her friends is a better match for you! Sounds like theyre looking out for their friend, which is an admirable quality.


Good luck, let us know how it goes!

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