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Stupid dream about ex

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Had a really really stupid dream about my ex last night.


First off in my dream, she calls me after some time. I scream at her asking what the hell does she want and blah blah blah. She misses me and whatever. I tell her I don't care and that I've had to move on since our break-up. All of this is completely unrealistic by the way because she is very stubborn and will never ever come back to me.


Anyways, I think we meet and hang out for some reason and things feel really weird. It felt like I was reliving the past and I had a chance to fix all the mistakes that I made. It felt like I had a second chance to redo all the things that went bad.


I don't really remember much after that point but one thing that I know is that I still love her. However, I can never be her boyfriend again. She has hurt me too much to go back. I need to continue to move on, I just wish these stupid dreams wouldn't set me back like this.

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Oh my I had one too this morning, thank God my mum called me in the middle of it lol, what happened is that he came around to see me and we were talking and then I asked does it mean we are back together and he said no. It felt like the same day when he came to pick up his stuff. Dreams are so damn annoying. Don't allow them to set you back though just think "I been thinking about her/him too much it doesn't mean anything." Cause I know some people think dream is trying to tell you something.

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Dreams of ex are the worst. They make you re-live the past. I had a dream of my ex yesterday and although I don't remember much of it, it messed up my day because I had that thing lingering on the back of my head. I actually scareamed out of anger that I dreamt about him. That made me feel better. But I agree, dreams of ex are stupid. They just makes no sense.

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i've been draeming of him everday other day if not everyday even though i don't go to sleep with him in my thoughts and i wake up feeling terrible. i don't know which is worse, having short interrupted sleep or longer sleeps while dreaming of him. ARGH!!!!


i dreamt that i was on holiday and he was there and long story short i looked him up and convinced him to give us another shot and i felt so happy. then i woke up in the dream cos that was a dream INSIDE my dream still feeling happy! ANd when i woke up i rang him to ask if it was a dream cos i didn't know what was a dream or not and he told me it was over and he has somebody else and the other person was better etc and then i woke up for real feeling crap.


argh! i am so frustrated waking up everday missing him.

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Take this kiss upon the brow!

And, in parting from you now,

Thus much let me avow-

You are not wrong, who deem

That my days have been a dream;

Yet if hope has flown away

In a night, or in a day,

In a vision, or in none,

Is it therefore the less gone?

All that we see or seem

Is but a dream within a dream.


I stand amid the roar

Of a surf-tormented shore,

And I hold within my hand

Grains of the golden sand-

How few! yet how they creep

Through my fingers to the deep,

While I weep- while I weep!

O God! can I not grasp

Them with a tighter clasp?

O God! can I not save

One from the pitiless wave?

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?


Everyone could use a little Edgar Allan Poe in their lives.


They are the worst, though. I find that the more I fight my thoughts during the day, the more they tend to creep into my subconscious. And then there's the opposite side of the spectrum, thinking too much. We DO heal through our subconscious mind. I find mine contain some of the intense emotions lurking under the surface that I just don't know how to identify or express. It's sort of comforting to realize your psyche is helping you along.

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I've never had a dream inside a dream before.

Don't worry, these dreams will pass eventually.


Haha, my sleep life is getting pretty bad (well, mixed blessing). I have 5 or 6 dreams within each other sometimes, have many dreams that border on sleep paralysis that I confuse with reality, even after waking up, and lucid dream several times a month.


It's pretty great most of the time! Not so much right after the breakup, though. I'll have dreams where my body is awake but my mind is still half in dream land and my ex has come back, or so I think. I can hear someone downstairs and I think it's her. She eventually comes upstairs and talks to me (during this time, by the way, I can feel everything and everything looks vividly real) and suddenly I hit a certain point and really wake up... or occasionally start the whole process over again.

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Hmmmm, I don't have actual dreams about him. But I do get these....feelings? thoughts? starting at about 5:30am. I can feel his hatred, his anger. It's palpable, as if he were in the room with me and injecting all of his bad feelings into me. It hurts me, and my body jerks awake. I try to roll over and go back to sleep, and then it keeps happening until I give up and get out of bed.


You know, I think I only dreamed of him once in 3 years together. And it wasn't a nice dream. We were on a bus, and he kept talking to everyone but me. I needed him for some reason, but when I called his name, he would just look at me, and then go back to socializing. Fairly prophetic, actually. I should've listened to it.


Anyway, I will be glad when these weird "feeling" dreams go away.

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Had another dream last night. It's weird because I couldn't sleep. I slept at 6:30 in the morning. The sun was out for a good hour before I fell asleep. And it's 10 AM right now and I don't feel tired or anything.


Anyways, in the dream, for some reason it is me, my ex, and her rebound talking together... Something I'd never ever do. So okay, we are talking, I'm not sure about what but everytime I say something, my ex is kind of frozen as if she is heavily thinking about what I had said. Her rebound talks to her and she doesn't respond for a good few seconds because she is so focused on the thing I had said or done. Weird. Something that I know will never happen in real life and the 2 people I hope to never see or hear anything from.


Stupid brain is giving me ridiculous dreams. Atleast this dream didn't leave me with any weird after feelings.

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Had another dream last night. More like a nightmare...


My ex and I were back together. It was good in the dream but I know why that can never happen. During the dream I kind of made myself snap out of it and told myself to wake up. I did wake up but I was so tired that I fell back asleep and continued the dream until my friend called me and now I am up for good.

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Had another dream last night. More like a nightmare...


My ex and I were back together. It was good in the dream but I know why that can never happen. During the dream I kind of made myself snap out of it and told myself to wake up. I did wake up but I was so tired that I fell back asleep and continued the dream until my friend called me and now I am up for good.


Yeah I keep having those getting back together dreams and when I wake up I know it's not gonna happen ruins my whole damn day.

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Omg i hate the dreams. According to anu1560 you really do re-live the past. I dreamt my ex last nite.. And after 1 yr and more I am still going tru the trauma of that dream. Made me remember the pain I went tru. It sucks.

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But even though it made me re-live the past it also reminded me of the future... In the dream my ex was saying to me how he love the gurl he is with and it would never work out between us... What a nightmare right? Lol ill get over it by tmrw lol and start bk with my life again sighhhhh

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But even though it made me re-live the past it also reminded me of the future... In the dream my ex was saying to me how he love the gurl he is with and it would never work out between us... What a nightmare right? Lol ill get over it by tmrw lol and start bk with my life again sighhhhh


Yeah dreams are a real pain in the ass.


I didn't have one last night so I'm thankful for that. Hopefully won't have another one any time soon.

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