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I found my way how not to get pregnant. Can it work?


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I think it should be successful. Tell me what do you think? Here it is:


1) Make love on infertile days (there are some before the period and some after)

2) After he ejaculates inside, I wash my inside with a strong hot and cold shower. The water is so strong and I try to wash it as deep as possible.

3) Go to the toilet to pee after all.


Can it work? I know it sounds stupid because we dont use any protection, but can it work?

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No offense, but there's no 100% way to be sure that you will not get pregnant even with birth control and contraceptives. Every female has the chance to get pregnant with intercourse, regardless of whether you "wash it out" or not. I SERIOUSLY doubt this will reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

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That whole 'make love on infertile days' works, or at least it worked for my ex. But seriously, get some condoms or on birth control.


And you can't just wash yourself out, that's a dumb approach to avoiding pregnancy. Surely you must have a better idea of your own anatomy??

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Ok thank you guys and girls. I will stop playing this ¨Russian roulette¨ from this moment, and I hope that it worked until now. Unless.. But I still don't understand one thing. How can't you believe in fertile and infertile days theory? There is one and it's stong! I've read about it a lot and made my calendar.

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Ok thank you guys and girls. I will stop playing this ¨Russian roulette¨ from this moment, and I hope that it worked until now. Unless.. But I still don't understand one thing. How can't you believe in fertile and infertile days theory? There is one and it's stong! I've read about it a lot and made my calendar.


You're talking about the rhythm method. It has an 'average' failure rate of 12-20%. Even if used perfectly, the failure rate is too high for my liking. Incidentaly, my dad was a rhythm baby. Good thing for me!

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Most people call this "natural family planning" or fertility awareness. This is an actual method, but it has a far higher risk of pregnancy than other methods. Women's cycles are not always regular which is part of the reason this is an unreliable method of birth control. douching will decrease the amount of sperm, but it is no guarantee of complete removal, and pulling out is not effective either as sperm is released previous to full ejaculation.


Saffron beat me to it, and is right about the failure rates. And thats only if you're 100% on top of using this method.

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It's really more for spacing out when you want to have children. That said I have used it myself and avoided pregnancy but at the time I was in a relationship where we would have been fine if I had gotten pregnant.

I am freakishly obsessive about my body and how it functions so I was completely on top of how to use it properly and it was only a temporary measure while researching birth control that I wouldn't have a reaction to.

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the washing sounds like a pretty bad idea. you're going to get bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection that way. peeing afterwards is a good idea, but so as to lessen the chances of getting a UTI.





OP, as regards to the rhythm method - a billion Catholics can't all be wrong, right..?



What's wrong with using a contraceptive?

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