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Still virgins.....Waiting for a pop!

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Ok well my best friend and I are still virgins....were remaining ageless because people may think were not the right age to have sex....but anyways what moves could you do and like I dunno we are just confused on how and what to do first....can people help us? Thx also were afraid we'll do sumtin wrong or of the pain....haha weird right?

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Well at a guess your 14 going by your name. My personal opinion is that it is too young but u dont want to hear that. But by your questions alone it just sounds like your not ready. Its the people who dont know "how and what to do first" who end up getting pregnant, STd's etc. Im not saying that this will happen in your case, but i think u should wait.

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Well, since you aren't going to listen no matter how many times we tell you not to have sex, I'm just going to recommend that your partner uses a condom. I have a feeling you aren't even 14 yet, so you should probably wait. Basically, if you have to remain ageless, because of what people on an internet chat thingy say, then you are most definitely too young. You have to have maturity, and respect for others in order to be ready for sex. Since you are obviously embarrassed by your question, I am just going to sya one last time WAIT! Just wait till you are older, trust me you will enjoy it more. Oh well, no matter what we say, we can't convince you that what you are doing is wrong, so I am feeling kind of sad. I just hope you make the right choice.

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yea if you are thinking you are to be told your too young you prolly are. not to mention having sex at a young age is not healthy not just because of std's but because your body sometimes can't handle it and your hormones get all screwed up. i speak cuz i know i had sex too early and even though im not extremely sick or anything it did mess up some things. i suggest you save it but if you must do it now use protection and not just the easy cheap stuff. get spermicide and such stuff with the condom. i hope you know that you are making the right choice if you decide to go through with this. it is important to a lot of people to have their virginity for someone special, cuz it is something you can never get back once its gone. so i hope you have gone over and thought this through cuz if you feel awkward about it now it doesn't really seem like you have thought it through.

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I agree with everyone. Sex isn't important. And besides, it supposedly hurts like hell the first time (if you're a girl) and even if you try to distance yourself, it becomes a huge emotional burden if you're not ready. Like others said, if you have to ask those kind of questions, then you're not ready. Don't rush it. In all honesty, all you have to do is throw yourself at a guy and he'll gladly sleep with you (well, for the not so decent ones out there, which unfortunatley I've met too many of), but do you really want to do that with some random horny guy? I sure hope not.

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guys dont want to have a serious relationship with a hore. And the fact that your planning on sleeping with anyone just for the sake of having sex..makes ur actions slutty. Your too young....and u'll regret it. Be mature enough to listen to what people have to say. We're older than you...so grow up and take our advice.


We know whats best for you.

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ok not to be rude but no one has givin these girls the advice they want and everyone is harrasing them about their age they said they stayed ageless so they didnt have to put up with that judgment. im not saying what they are doing is right what im saying is they are asking for help and you ppl arent giving it. i hope i didnt offend anyone i thought id point that out though


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Age is important unfortunately, they are completely anonymous here, no need to be ageless, but most people here can read into the questions enough to know ages. 'Moves' that will work on teenage boys are different from moves that will work on girls which are different from moves that will work on adults.

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im aware of that and i know they arent ready but they didnt ask if they were ready they asked what they could do. i dont really know what to say on that because i dont believe in sex and im not a young girl i just want to see them get some advice besides they arent old enough. i know they arent ready for sex but grils have sex young it disgusts me but it happens and these girls asked for advice and they diserve to have their questions answered as much as everyone else no matter what they're age is


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k this time i have advice for ya kinda.first off it is gonna hurt like hell.anyway just do what feels natural. and psipro is right most teenage guys will take anything and be happy with it.this is kinda something you learn on your own but if any one has suggestions for these girls feel free can i please aske no more harassment about them being too young and i dont mean psipro hes saying the age makes a difference in what you should do i mean just please dont tell them they are too young .


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One more thing, anyone find it intresting how we are talking to them like they are women, or girls? They didn't say they were either. (S)he talked to me on AIM and with the way they talked I couldn't say either way.


If you are male and looking for pickup lines, good luck many of us are still looking

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well they didnt say they were girls but they said they are afraid of the pain and that they are waiting for a pop so i think it is safe to assume they are but i could very well be wrong.i think that when the time comes you will know what to do and you can feel free to talk to me on AIM. uhm i think there is no right way to do it.ok the best advice i can give right now is you have to think about it your doing it wrong . i hope i have helpd


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Sex is not bad itself. The reason why sexual behaviour is the object of so many rules is that there is a lot of abuse related to sex.


Every time a person has sexual relationships, they release a hormone (can't remember the name) that makes you attach to the person you're having sex with. They make you attach emotionally.


Now, men are warned against getting attached to women since a very young age, mostly by their mothers, and thereforeeee they are capable to have sex and not get attached so easily.


The problem with sex is that you may get attached to the wrong person and when you are very young it is usually difficult to discern good people from bad people.


From my experience, I have noticed that a lot of guys only want sex in a relationship, they will get what they want and give nothing in return. I chose not to have sex unless I am involved in a very serious meaningful relationship because I have noticed that women who give in easily are despised by men, and usually dumped right away. Many of my friends do have sexual relationships rather early in relationships and get dumped very often, which causes a lot of problems of self-esteem.


I would then say to you, if you are involved in a meaningful loving relationship with someone who cares for you, then you can go ahead and have sex. However, you must be aware that younger men are not usually very strong and that they are under a lot of peer pressure to score. Which means the guy you will choose may not remain faithful to you because of external reasons, even if he cares for you.


Now, if your bf is not faithful, that can cause you a lot of emotional problems, distrust of men, at an age where you don't have the strenght or the maturity to cope with it.


Another problem might be that the guy you love is not appropriate for you, he may be controlling, abusive and you might be too young to recognize the signs (a lot of men try to cover up their character flaws). Please learn to recognize men : any man that calls you names, lies to you, is secretive, does not act 100% does not deserve you. I know I am eliminating 90% of men, but it is better to have few good relationships, than lots of bad experiences.


All in all, it is better not to do it unless you are involved in a meaningful relationship with a guy you love and who loves you (your own age, of course). The chances that an older guy will fall in real love with you are very slim, he probably just wants to exploit you sexually. Be prepared to be dumped or betrayed anytime by a young man, because he is probably still immature to realize the advantages of faithfulness and also because he is exposed to a lot of peer pressure to score with many girls.


If you still want to do it, please use protection, even though protection does not protect from all diseases (do some research on the Net). I don't believe most normal young men carry diseases but don't know the numbers, so do some research. DON'T GET PREGNANT : every child has the right to be born in a loving stable family. It would be very unconsiderate to bring a child to this world in these conditions.


If you have any questions, feel free to write to me.



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