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Want to break NC and just hear her voice

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Can you go out and take a walk somewhere or drive with no destination for a bit? If you have the opportunity to walk, even if its circles around your neighborhood, then go for it! Leave your cell phone at home so that you don't cave in to the urge to contact her. This should help keep your mind off of her at least for the time being. If you can engage in something a little more physical (jogging, working out, etc) or that requires all your mental focus, you'll be setting yourself up for thinking of her a little less.

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Hang in there. It is a daily battle for me. Actually, it was. I am now in week 9 NC. It gets easier. In my experience if you break NC, it sets you back emotionally. You can hear her voice today and then what are you going to do when you want to hear her voice in a week. It is an addiction that we are fighting daily. We will beat it.

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I know she will never initiate anything.

Man the amount of times I've heard that....even said it myself....and then BAM!


But I will add my vote to the list ~ Dont Do It Man!


NC is the one of the hardest things anyone can go through, but you really are just doing more damage by keeping contact...and that includes looking at FB..!


And be proud of every day you get through NC coz its hard.....damn damn hard!


You might feel good at first, she may even seem glad to hear from you...But then 24-48-72 hours later you will really start to bottom out again....Like badly!

Try to project your mind past the urge to contact her to that time 48 hours later....If you visualise that, it usually puts you off doing it


Just be patient with yourself...Everything you are experiencing is completely normal, so we all know exactly how you feel....and exactly what you need to do....


Suffice to say, we all break at least 1-2 times...You have been warned*


Ever Forward


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I just noticed you are only 18 too....So I will add some extra advice and say: Pack a suitcase and get out there and see the world Man!!....That way you'll always look back and think "That guy Kalgan gave me the best advice ever!"...




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Thanks for the advise. I ended up breaking NC yesterday and have a whole new thread about it. I'm glad I did it because I found out some things that would have been really bad for me if I had found out in the future.


I wish I could just get away and explore the world but I don't have the time or the money. I am enrolled in classes this summer for my college but I have been making lots of effort to surround myself with friends and keep my mind off of her.


I am trying real hard not to contact her again because I know it's for the best. After yesterday, it just felt like everything was back to square one. I felt so sad and it felt like the few days right after she initially broke up with me. She will probably never contact me again so I need to somehow turn that into a positive thing. She is so stubborn. That's what I hate most about her. Ugh..

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I feel like doing the same thing. But i wouldnt, cuz i know nothing good will come out of it. HE's about to get married and its getting closer and closer and i am now freaking out. My heart aches.

dont do it. dont call her. it mite end up in pain!


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