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Living Together


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Ive been with my partner for a few months now, everything is absolutely incredible. Romance, Chemistry, Physical and Emotional connection, its all there. We have recently talked about living together, she owns a small condo, and I stay there with her and its not nearly large enough. I have a great job and own a property. The property I own was an investment and im in the midst of selling it. The profit I make from that property will go towards debt I have. I was a little irresponsible when I was younger and therefore had accumulated a large debt which I have already substantially paid off, but essentially after I sell the property I will be have paid off the debt.


Now I do have some other assets, lets say around 7k or so to put towards the down payment of a home or property. She on the other hand is in a much better position, while her job pays considerably less, she has inherited a significant amount of money after her fathers death quite some time ago. I believe she is under the impression that we both have a large amount of money to put down on a home, but realistically I may only have about 20k in the bank when that time comes in the next year.


I dont know if im ready to go in depth about finances with her just yet, or do you guys believe I should just tell her the situation? I dont think im in a horrible position financially? What do you think? Would she or should she make an issue of this if we spoke about this?



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So after your debt is payed, you'll have 20k in the bank, correct?

I'd say that's really good. Some people don't even net that in a year, let alone gross...


You're off to a good start if I'm reading correctly. You've been together for a few months and already talking about moving in together? Now that's a little to soon don't cha think?

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So after your debt is payed, you'll have 20k in the bank, correct?

I'd say that's really good. Some people don't even net that in a year, let alone gross...


You're off to a good start if I'm reading correctly. You've been together for a few months and already talking about moving in together? Now that's a little to soon don't cha think?


After my debt is paid with the next month ill be at 0$, but by the time we're ready to move lets say about 6-7 months, which is what we're looking at then I will have about 20k saved up.

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