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A recap of the weekend (inside my mind)

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Errr. Week 9 of NC, shouldn't I be doing better by now?

I had a few weeks where I felt I was on the up and up. But then...


This is a glimpse of what went on in my head this weekend


Thur night: I love him, I want him back!


Fri AM: Oh, it is not really over, I am sure of it (phew)


Friday Afternoon: Ex who?


Friday night: What a jerk, I would *never* date him again


Sat AM: How can he just leave so quickly after 4 years?


Sat Afternoon: Sigh I guess I am *okay* without him, maybe better off


Sat Night: Is he hooking up with other girls aleady (sick feeling)


Sunday AM: *cry* *cry* I miss him *CRY!*


Sunday afternoon: Whatever, I am sick of crying. Does he miss me?


Sunday night: Is it really over?



Argh, I wish I could shake it out of me. How do you stop the constant rotation of thoughts?

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LOL…I know the feeling…it can be so weird how our minds can go through such conflicting emotions all within the space of a day or two. It took me more than a year after our break-up (after ten years together) for that to really stop and I still have it happen every once in a while even now.


As for how to stop the thoughts, all I can suggest is keep busy (busy mind = less time to think about him), take care of your mind and body, be kind to yourself and just give yourself time. It's a process and it happens on its own, as long as you don't dwell too much and focus on getting over it. It's such a cliche that time heals all wounds but it's scarily true...one day you wake up and you're over it and all you feel for your ex is love and compassion and you just hope they're doing as well as you are.

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