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My Cat is Becoming so Needy!


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Bella, I have 6 cats and a toddler. I feel your pain, sister! lol Mine are all boys and they are all cuddlebugs. In the evenings, once I get the baby to bed and I finally sit down in the recliner for some much needed me-relaxing-time, I have Piddles, Sunny and Greyson, fighting for my lap. Ugh! It does get a little old. And sometimes I just want to be left alone. I just pick them up and put them on a blanket or bed, and if they come back, I repeat it. My guys are all older too, between 5 and 10, so they've gotten used to this over the years.


The behavior is usually a result of feeling bad, either physically, emotionally or mentally and seeking comfort from you. Or boredom. Since she is 7, alot of cats start having a little arthritis pain around this age, so if she's hurting a little, she's going to want your attention.


Also, has anything changed in your house? Someone new coming over alot more? Moved the furniture around? Moved her litterbox or food dishes? Changed her routine at all? Cats depend on routine and changes can throw them off and cause them to seek comfort from you, in order to calm themselves.

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