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Good shows to watch after a breakup to keep one busy?

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I'll reread the harry potter series, or watch the movies. My friends all understand what happened when I have a harry potter day. Also, I just watched seasons 1 and 2 of Fringe, really great sci-fi show that is super awesome. If you're looking for funny stuff try It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development. Plenty of seasons to fill your recovery period!

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If you're looking for funny stuff try It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development. Plenty of seasons to fill your recovery period!


Ahh, yes! Arrested Development! I re-watched a lot of eps of that during my recent breakup. There is so much going on in each episode that it helps put you into that trance-like state where you can block out your own problems for a while, and the characters are so screwed up that it almost makes you feel better to not be as miserable as they are! Funny show.

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if you want my opinion, skip tv.. and get active. its so much better than sitting around...



What Sean said^^^


....but before you do that get the movie 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'.....Absolute Classic!



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I've been watching The Office a lot and it's been helping somewhat.




I used to like the office, but I do work in the same office as her, so that show hits a little close to home.


I have been rewatching seinfeld recently... watching pointless humor is a good thing some times!

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