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Help with a girl......

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There is this girl in school, and I like her very much. I look at her all the time and she sometimes look back but since I am shy I look away quick. A coupl months ago she talked to me in a class but just a simple question that has no purpose here. I try to show her that I like her but I don't think she see it. I have been working very hard on my hygine and wearing cologne to maybe attract her. I am 16 and I believe she is also 16. I cannot talk to her because I get extremely nervous every time she looks at me. Also a few days ago she stepped towards me while waiting for the end of a class but I got to nervous and couldn't do anything. I have absolutly no idea what to do and I have been looking at her for a while. Any help will be appreciated.



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Others will probably be able to give you more help than I will, but I suggest doing this. First, figure out a lot about this girl. Do a little research, this can best be done through a friend, if there already is a mutual friend even better. But don't go like right up to them and start asking questions, be casual about it or you can be sure that they'll tell the other person. Once you think you know everything you need to know (trust me, you never know everything), make a casual date with a group of friends. Start talking to her during this time. Make it something interesting, yet you'll have time to talk (kinda rules out some concerts and clubs), bowling can be fun or a movie. After this, use the phone # you should have received in Step 1 and just make some small talk or as some people prefer to IM, but talking on the phone I think is better, more personal. Then, invite them to come to a movie, go to dinner, party, etc. with just you. If all works well, you've got a date. The hardest part is extracting the information. Those are tips I've used, feel free to use 'em and I'm sure others will have more.

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Ye,like the guy above said u need 2 get a friend 2 find out sum info!i went thru a similar thing a few months bak,there was a guy in my year at school who i really liked,i got my best mate georgina and gud boy m8 joss 2 put in good words etc.Joss found out that this guy was interested in me he just didnt know me that well. I talked on a 3way convo with gina and the guy i liked on msn and then that nite he foned gina and sed he was interested in me he just wanted to get to know me better. We then met up in town,spoke at school,txt etc and we ended up going out! ok so the rest of the story is a whirlpool of depression of how things worked out but i wont go into that. U gotta get a friend to find sum info out on this girl,and find out if shes interested in u! Ok so sumtimes us girls know ppl fancy us and girls luv knowin it! Just try and b flirty wiv her and who knows what mite happen!!! hope ive bin a help! soz if i havent!

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Hey, You just have to learn to build up your self confidence and use that available eye contact to your advantage. To assist you further, I have included a link to a post that I made some time ago. Please let me know if you have any other questions.



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Don't you know that we all are shy , we just learn how to deal with our emotions as we get older.


Your feelings reflect the chance that she is the one that will make you happy always or she will break your heart publicly and you will be embarraced forever.


Which is better, to try and smile at her and present the best part of you or keep staring at the wall or your feet when ever you see her. The more that you make friendly happy eye contact with her, the more attractive you'll be to her and the more approachable you'll seem to others.


Remember that others are watching you. Even if you strike out on this try others will like that you make an attempt to like others.


You will reflect positvely on yourself by talking with her. Go ahead! Be friendly and smile at her! Others will also like you too!

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