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1. crush - ummm ... i guess ninth grade with this boy named mark. i asked him out one time and he told me "NO WAY!" it crushed me because i liked him oh so much. he never noticed me till eleventh grade when i became really in touch with who i am, my inner rock chick emerged, and revenge was sweet when he wound up asking my friend "when did christy get so good lookin?"


2. date - ninth grade with a boy named kevin. very uneventful. saw a movie. sparks didnt fly because we were so shy.


3. kiss - summer after ninth grade a boy i liked named kyle. he was older, my parents thought was "bad news", and i liked him anyway. he was a stoner. my parents went to a baseball game and i called kyle and had him come over. we were laying on my bed and he tells me that he was watching tv and learned about the body parts that day. he touches my arm and says "thats your arm" he touches my hand and says "thats your hand" he touches my hair and says "thats your hair" and he kisses me and says "those are your lips." cheesy yes but oh so unforgetable.


4. sex - had just turned seventeen. summer after my junior year of high school. i was with a guy that i had been seeing on and off for about a year. we went to his lake house and proceeded to have sex on his boat. afterwards, we threw the condom over the side of the boat ... or so we thought. the next morning, he called me up to tell me about how his dad woke him up and took him outside to the boat, points at the condom, which had dried and stuck to the side of the boat and says "next time you play with your girl, make sure you get it properly disposed of."


man, that all made me laugh. thanks for the trip down memory lane =)

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1. crush: when I was 5... he was my mom's best friend's son, and we'd always have sleepovers... I don't know if he knew I had a crush on him, but i was as head over heals as a 5 year old could be

2. date: 7th grade, so i'd guess I was 13

3. Kiss: 13 (on my first date!)

4. sex: 16... I'd been dating him for 7 months... his parents walked in, lol, not funny at the time, but now that I can look back at it and picture their faces, it's pricless

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Crush = 3 years old, went to the same baby sitter and kindergarten together.....then he moved away. i think we got married every recess


Date = 19; it ended up being a group date because he brought along 2 friends i didnt know....well the one friend was a guy my friend tried to hook me up with but it didnt work out. went to a movie and he used my fear of horror movies as an excuse to feel me up.


Kiss = well my first crush and i had a kiss on the school bus when we were in kindergarten if you count that....otherwise it was when i was 19 and wasnt at all great (the one with my kindergarten crush was better!). I wanted him to kiss me cause id never really been kissed before and he was like "fine" and it was over before i realized what happened.


Lost virginity = well if you want to get technical it was with the above guy - i didnt really want to, didnt feel ready, had had some alcohol, he broke our rule, next thing i know we had had sex (it was very quick) and he was soo small i didnt feel anything. So i count my first time with my current bf, the man i love with all my heart (hes 26) - it was the first time he told me he loved me....very romantic

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