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Can I still get her back?


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Yeah tell me about it. A long time ago he got two separate anonymous calls telling him that she was having an affair with me, but she always denied it. IMO, those were two perfectly good times to tell him the truth and finally end the marriage. I got mad over her not taking the opportunity but I still stayed with her.


You're right, but she doesn't want to end the marriage. You never really had her, she's been "with" you and living with her husband the entire time.

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Sorry, but this is a good reason not to mess with someone who's married. Hurts most of the time...

Must have been tough on you only getting half of her attention. I mean she wasn't all yours. Hanging on for 7 years shows real patience.

Wait until she is officially divorced and then you may want to try again, or just move on my friend. Lesson learned

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I can't believe you're actually asking for advice on how to help a woman cheat on her husband with you. This is beyond dysfunctional.


I know it sounds terrible. But when I met her she was already unhappy in her marriage. We started out as just friends (we met at work) and feelings just started developing for each other. I guess what I'm saying is what difference does really make now? She's already had the affair for over 7 years.

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I get what you're saying, but I knew what she was doing so it's different.


Anyway, is there still a chance that I can get her back even though she's stopped communicating me? Remember that for 7 of the 8 months we've been apart we have communicated pretty regularly (although we've only seen each other twice in that time). It's only in the last month the she's been ignoring my texts or calls.

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I get what you're saying, but I knew what she was doing so it's different.


Anyway, is there still a chance that I can get her back even though she's stopped communicating me? Remember that for 7 of the 8 months we've been apart we have communicated pretty regularly (although we've only seen each other twice in that time). It's only in the last month the she's been ignoring my texts or calls.


i'm sorry man but she is Married


the only way that happen if she finally left her husband


Anything is possible but again she is a Married Woman


just forget her man and take this time to heal and find a Single girl next time

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a quick question: why do you love her? i am curious, since I want to know the qualities that attract you to her (not other girls) despite her being immoral and married. I personally cant think of any qualities that would negate loyalty, honesty and even minimal decency.

If it has anything to do with the length of time you've been "together", and that "together" is a very inaccurate term for your case since you've in theory never REALLY been together, there's always her husband looming in your "relationship" and she goes to sleep with him every night.

also, i'd like to point out. if you really do believe that she's with you, hasnt she been cheating on you with her husband for the past 7 years? I dunno man... you need to really find someone else or be single. This is going to pull you to hell more than it has. good luck.

Also, i'd like to add, you sound very easy to be pushed around.

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I love her because even though she's married, when we were together she would always give me love and affection and would always there for me. She's actually very sweet and caring. I don't consider her cheating on me because I knew what I was getting myself into. It was never a secret.

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I love her because even though she's married, when we were together she would always give me love and affection and would always there for me. She's actually very sweet and caring. I don't consider her cheating on me because I knew what I was getting myself into. It was never a secret.


It was a secret to her husband i bet though


Hey man i just suggest you take this time to heal yourself and try to get her off your head for a long while.

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My mind tells me I should move on because she's married, but my heart still loves her and wants her back. It's been very hard to let go since this was by far the longest relationship I've had. Thanks for all the comments.


don't worry man you'll found someone else hopefully not married lol


look forward for the future man you never know


but still try to forget about her and move on

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I love her because even though she's married, when we were together she would always give me love and affection and would always there for me. She's actually very sweet and caring. I don't consider her cheating on me because I knew what I was getting myself into. It was never a secret.


how about you think of this..did she give the same love and affection to her husband? did she kiss him, hug him and have sex with him?


most likely the answer to all these questions is yes..

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They had a very cold marriage. He was always playing World of Warcraft or just on his computer and rarely paid attention to her. That's why she looked for attention somewhere else.


Unless you have had a conversation with him, you don't really know what is going on in their marriage.

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how about you think of this..did she give the same love and affection to her husband? did she kiss him, hug him and have sex with him?


most likely the answer to all these questions is yes..


Ok Hater, I think you've voiced your disapproval a couple of times.


Whilst I don't condone the wife's adultery, do you really think it helps Brigade, going through the pain he is going through, to make comments like that?


Sure, it is morally questionable for him to be dating a married woman, but Brigade doesn't owe her husband anything. She does.


It's like when women beat up on the other woman. I think to myself, why on earth would they do that, when it's the husband who owes the wife/girlfriend loyalty.


Brigade, I wish you well and hope you find a woman who really, truly deserves you.

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