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confused after finding out about incest/rape

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Some of you may remember details about this situation:


"A" had said that they had repressed memories of something happening between them and B.


Because A had been very young, I decided after talking here and with Adults We Both Know to stay neutral on the subject and try to stay out of it.


Well I just found out today it was true.


B is significantly older than A and older than myself. I am also significantly older than A. These are two people I am very close to if you know what I mean.


I do not know details but B forced oral sex on A.


This was quite awhile ago and so awkward. I am not sure what to say to A, how to act around B, what to think.. or if I should say anything at all. I also do not understand how or why this happened.

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This is one of those situations where its really hard to know what to do. Finding out such a thing is true is quite.....a shocker, and a lot to take in.


Without knowing too many details of what exactly is going on...the one thing you should do is let A know you are there for that person. It happened a very long time ago, so that makes it a lot more difficult to know why exactly it happened..or what exactly was going on at that moment. Perhaps the best thing to do at the moment is to stay in the background, show A support..and wait until everything is clear, and talk it over with those that are not involved, but aware of the situation.


How are you feeling about it at the moment ?

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Well kinda wondering if any guy can be trusted as most of the men I have ever been close to lie, cheat, stalk, try to kill, rape, abuse physically/mentally, and make life a nightmare O.o


I would have put money down the B didn't do anything. I mean I have known him my whole life and now I don't know if he can be trusted or how I am supposed to act around him.


No guy is off limits it seems. Every single one could POSSIBLY be dangerous. No matter how sure I am they would *never* do this or that I seem to keep being proven wrong.


I'm already obsessed with locking my doors and now I just don't even want to ever date another guy again or be physically ever alone with them.


Guys will get offended reading this possibly but I just don't even know what to do. People or guys are in large part downright evil.

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It's not just men, some people find group of people and things that they had very bad experiences. In a sense we automatically put a defense mechanism in place to avoid such situation and/or people. Like getting to know any people, it would take time to find out who can be trusted or not but I assure there are many men and people in general that are caring and completely opposite of what you've experienced in the past.

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