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feeling sad and reflective

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Not much to say about it. Another person passing from this earth to wherever it is they go when they pass. Wasn't close to this person, but was family, was someone very important to those who loved him.


Is this what it is to get older. Thought I had seen a lot of death growing up, as a kid, and now when someone passes, regardless of how and when, it numbs me out a bit. That's what i learned early on, seeing how the first person I ever saw who passed was someone so dear and it really traumatized the heck out of me, the whole experience of it, how it went down, now it seems that it takes a little time for a death to register in my brain, and it's just sad.


Not depressed. Just sad. The pain was so tangible, to feel a person walk by and it's like a huge powerful wave of pain coming from them, makes my heart go out so much.


To just be grateful for what we are lucky enough to have by living and letting people in, even a little bit.


I mean, if his life could move me this much and we weren't even close, obviously our lives do have some meaning, some impact, even when we figure the little things don't matter, they do, they do all the way.


thanks for listening. have a good weekend.

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Sorry to hear about your family member who died.


obviously our lives do have some meaning, some impact, even when we figure the little things don't matter, they do, they do all the way.


Our lives do indeed have meaning, even impact. I liked your post.


Best we can do is be kind to each other.



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