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Hazing at Red Robin Restaurants

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Hi! I am at a Red Robin restaurant and am being hazed by some of the managers and several of the trainers. I had several pages of negative comments by the trainers! I'm a nice person and typically get along with people. RR has a few policies that I find just obnoxious, and since they cost me money too, I get very frustrated! I am behind in all my bills since I was unemployed for over a year, and even though it's just a part time job, I was hoping this could straighten it out. I don't think so actually.


One of the girls is a super-sweet appearing lady, who is just an awful gameplayer! But I can see from her actions that she might just be trying to undermine me secretly. It's a situation that has me by the bill payments: I have to pay them, so I have to stay. I like the restaurant itself, just not the way that some of the people are reacting to me!


What to do, to get the managers off my back?



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They're twisting my words and making the most innocuous comments sound like I'm mean spirited. They've already gotten quite a "let's hate Savannah" mentality going among some of the rest of the crew. And they are taking all this to upper level management! I guess they don't like my personality, although I really have nothing against them.



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In addition: Hazing is defined by several Universities as behavior that is intended to inflict mental, emotional and physical harm with relations to group membership. As a Red Robin team member, I am in a group. What they are doing I find emotionally distressful, also it takes my attention away from my job. So they should not be doing it!

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Although it's simply semantics, calling it for what it is will help people understand the situation better and therefore, be able to help you. Hazing is something that is practiced in sororities/fraternities. What you're facing sounds like a horrible case of bullying, which happens a lot in low-end jobs. My advice is to act like none of it matters and just go on doing your job the best way you can until you can find another job.

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I work at a restaurant similar to RR. Family-oriented, corporate, etc. I've worked for that company a very long time. I can tell you it's not RR doing this to you. It's a group of individuals doing that, nnot limited to just them. It's liek that at a lot of places like that. Unfortunately, it's the nature of the beast. It happens at the one I work in too. Just the other day I found out people were talkinmg crap about me behind my back, saying really harsh things that shouldn't be said about anyone, let alone a coworker. The most I could do was to tell my GM about it and hope for the best. Then, just make sure I leave work at work when I leave. I don't take anything personally. It's pointless to.


There are other jobs. If it's getting to you that badly, you can try to talk to your head manager, or go above his head to your area director. If nothing changes, go to another job but try to grow thicker skin. Apply for jobs on your day off and try to go on interviews to gewt a better one. That's the best I can tell you.

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so, i'm a little confused. since i don't know you and your coworkers personally, I don't know if it's backstabbing or what is going on.


RR has a few policies that I find just obnoxious, and since they cost me money too, I get very frustrated!


are you not following the policies as a result of your personal feelings against them?


I had several pages of negative comments by the trainers!


what sorts of negative comments? were they constructive criticism? there is a distinction between backstabbing or constructive suggestions on your performance. afterall, they are evaluating you. sure, you might be a nice person, but maybe they think your job performance can be better? do you think some of their comments had merit?

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There comments were not about my work performance but about what they thought about me personally.


did they cite examples? ie, "SOS was rude to customers when they didn't like their burgers"? was it specific examples of your work attitude? or was it really "we just don't like her."


how did you see this review?

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No offense, and I usually don't do this, but I looked at your old threads regarding your work situation. One thread from 2 yeras ago, you complained of relatively the same thing, and you even said in one thread that unfortunately that is how it is in the restaurant business.


Have you ever thought it could be you that is the issue? Not to say that you deserve backstabbing or anything, not at all. But I mean, maybe youneed to let things roll off your back. If they don't like you personally, who cares? People at my restaurant job don't like me, and I don't care. I'm there to make money, not friends. THe ones I do become friends with, they are work friends, not friends I spend time with outside of work. I get along well with lots of people I work with. The ones I don't, I just don't let it bother me. Granted, some of them are saying really awful things about me b/c of the way I do my job (um, a good job?), but what difference does it make? None. I still make my money. Sometimes work is uncomfortable, but you're never going to find complete comfort among coworkers at any job. THere's always gonna be gossip and goings-on. You jsut have to decide if you want to be involved or not. Let it roll off your back. Go there to make money, and if anything gives you crap to your face, stick up for yourself and speak to your head manager.


Also, you're being a little vague about everyhting, not answering direct questions of posters who have responded. We could probably help more if you answered direct quetsions. Just a suggestions.

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hersmulders, that is internet stalkerish behavior!


not really. a lot of people do that to see what sort of threads someone has posted in the past to get a better idea of what things they go through. i'm not the only one who does that. many on here do. besides, it's not like i was looking up your screenname on other sites. i know nothing about you. i just clicked your old threads. that's not really stalking.


and your response leads to me think that i was on the right path with saying the issue may be you here. instead of examining what role you are playing in an issue you're having, you choose to blame others.

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not really. a lot of people do that to see what sort of threads someone has posted in the past to get a better idea of what things they go through. i'm not the only one who does that. many on here do. besides, it's not like i was looking up your screenname on other sites. i know nothing about you. i just clicked your old threads. that's not really stalking.


and your response leads to me think that i was on the right path with saying the issue may be you here. instead of examining what role you are playing in an issue you're having, you choose to blame others.


I agree!!!! 1) it's not stalkerish at all. Your past history can tell a lot about a current situation. It's helpful.


2) I, too, think that maybe you need to re-examine yourself. It's not right that people are backstabbing, that's not what I'm trying to say... but this is the second job where this has happened...

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