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I met this girl on a chat room about a month ago and she seems nice. I fell in love with her at that time up to know. She's gonna visit here in San Francisco and I'll be in charge of the tour for 3 days. We're sort of in a long distance type of thing. Not sure if this would even work out but I'm hoping it will. My problem is that she has all the qualities I want in a girl and maybe even more. Except for one reason she's not what I expect her to look like when I saw her on a PICTURE. I told my self that looks does'nt matter or is it. We're both on a peak of our careers and If it was perfect maybe we could go far more than she could imagine. It's only been a month but we seem to have this spark that we never seem to get tired even talking on the phone for hours everyday. Of all the women I had before she tops all that in short period of time. We really did connect in a chemistry sort of way. I love her too except for that difference. It seems a big deal to me or am I just being selfish and childish on my own. Even she has everything I want I can't see myself beside her for a very long time. Does looks really matter or its the mature love that I've been so willing to grab that I cant focus on. Who doesn't want to be with a beautiful, corporate and raised with family values kind of girl(she's still a virgin except for the beautiful. I dont want to regret it someday and break up with her. The other half of me says get a pretty girl and make her your bestfriend We both talked about this and she's kinda fine with it if another person comes between us. That gives me an advantage but I'm her first love besides the virgin thing and breaking her would be hard for me and her or should I. I need both sexes opinions.......

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almost no matter how hard you try, the beauty thing will probably always be in the back of your mind, BUT that isnt always the truth, if you truly love her then that wont matter, because "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.", now you may think, aw this is just some 17 year old kid, what does he know about love? but hey, take it or leave it, with true love you will soon not care about what she looks like. (why do i sound like a fortune cookie?)

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It seems a big deal to me or am I just being selfish and childish on my own.


Of course looks matter!! It's not really the fact that she's not gorgeous, but you simply MUST be attracted to her sexually for it to work with you guys. It's not selfish to have certain physical standards at all, in fact it's natural to be attracted to a certain "type". Don't discount your instinct to be attracted to certain physical traits. But at the same time, keep in mind that looks aren't everything, and that in the long run, it's her attitude, personality and the way you relate to her that is going to keep you together.


I think looks matter out of attraction. If you meet her and you're not actually phsycially attracted to her, it won't work, plain and simply.

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that did sound like a fortune cookie.,lol, thats funny.


i agree though, i also met my bf online and he sent me a photo and it looks totall ydiff then how he really does, i mean hes not bad looking, but i didn't fall in love with him because of how he looks, i love him because he loves me and he is just great you know? i mean think about it, you don't want people to love or not love you because of your looks right. so just think about it like that. looks are only a shell, what you really are is in the inside, you could have beauty on the outside and be the ugliest person in the world if you get what i mean.

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I'm 27 and she's 26... maybe it will take time for me to get this childish behavior of my skin. I know that looks doesn't matter at all and sometimes it really does. Maybe my family expects more but that doesn't stop me ending up with who I want. Maybe in time I'll learn to appreciate what I have infront of me.

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what i always say is that if you aren't physically attracted, but are emotionally attracted, thats friend material....it has to be both for it to be a relationship...there has to be some level of sexuality between her...otherwise, what separates her and your best friends??

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what i always say is that if you aren't physically attracted, but are emotionally attracted, thats friend material....it has to be both for it to be a relationship...


That's so true, very well put! Even "flings" based on purely physical attraction can usually grow into a really great relationship. Then again, sometimes relationships that start out on a physical level can dwindle when the couple realizes there isn't any emotional attraction.

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Thanks guys for all your support. We saw each other and spend 3 days of tour of san francisco and yosemeti park. I think it was a "blast" really. From the moment I picked her up in San Jose we acted like real adults and seems nothing has change even when we were talking on the phone before. As if like we new each other for so long and I never saw the ugliness in her. She's the one and I think looks doesn't really matter at all. I love her sooo much and nothing has changed. We are going to see each other a couple more days this month and I was never been excited like this even before. Even if i combine all my ex's together she did tops them all. I think I found my true love. I have a sense about this before I meet someone if we're gonna last or not. This one is ok.

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