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imagine...your best friend is banging down your door as you sit in the corner of your living room with your mother crying so hard you'd figure she could supply water for an army your father has a single tear rolling down his cheek as he rubs your swollen bloody arm. that's right you got caught, you're secret has been exposed what now. thoughts of ending it so you wont have to deal with the aftermath, then you think about quiting so you never have to experience this again, and then you imagine yourself grabing the razor blade and running it accross your skin. which one are you going to pick. most would settle for any of them, but the hardest one is the one that needs to be done. quitting, easier said than done. take it from me i think i've quit a good 18 times maybe more. it always comes back. if you're thinking about starting..dont just dont it is the most difficult thing you will ever deal with. cry rip paper punch a pillow. just please i beg of you NEVER start. my therapist tells me all the time all of these solutions and i cant help but think to myself YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS LIKE ..ripping up paper isnt the same as that smooth but sharp feeling of your skin being split in two. i get the urge all the time to pick up the razor..but tonight i decided to help myself and find someone else that can relate..and maybe we could help each other stop. i supose this website really does work i didnt cut myself tonight but i want to be sure that i'll stop forever and i want to help someone else stop too. if anyone is willing to help me and themselves at the same time please contact me. im only looking for a friend and that is the truth about stopping

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She's right; it you start cutting it is like an addiction. I cannot say whether or not i have been able to quit bc my urges to "cut" are random and may come at any time, but it has been at least a week... It put even more stress on me, on top of loneliness confusion and depression, when my mother noticed the marks on my wrists and told my father. I started seeing a counselor, but only went twice and decided it wasn't what i need. If cutting is what I need to keep from going over the edge and committing suicide, or being able to function decently normally around other people, I am fine with doing it. but for those of you considering it, you need to read around and determine if you'll be able to handle the consequences that come later...

i'm here if anyone wants to talk.



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it sucks when you have to have something in your life to function. cigrettes, drugs, alcohol, cutting....all addicting and all can mess up your life but when you keep doing you feel that thats all you need to keep you sane when really it is the only thing breaking you down. i tried quiting everything i've ever done to make me "function" then my body went in a tail spin and i was the most irratable person around ..and then i went back to that one thing.. and i could be myself again. but i didnt want myself to be that person, the person that crys all alone in her room the person that turns down a party to stay home and hide from the world. i hate that person. i guess there's stages to quiting hmm ill try to figure them out lets see 1st stage feeling good about stopping 2nd stage regretting stopping 3rd stage angry moody unhappy person 4th stage starting to feel better about yourself for stopping for so long 5th stage reeeeeeeeeeeellllaaaapsssssse...hmph... and the cycle continues...if anyone can complete the whole quiting process i'd like some answers on how you did it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have not cut myself in almost a month and i am like wow. i don't know how i made it that long. i don't really even know what i do when i want to. i just talk to my friends and stay away from sharp things. but it was hard. i thought i had finally stopped like a while ago and then nothing even happened and my body got all tense and i cut myself. but my mom has enough stuff to go through. her and my dad recently split up and all. and i don't want to make it worse. so i've gotta stop. even though the scars are bad and way visible. and she will find out. but for me to be able to tell her i stopped. it will make me feel better at least. and i've got a friend that knows what i'm going through and we talk and it helps. except when he is depressed....he is my best friend. so then i get depressed....and it is worse. but lately i am somewhat numb to emotions. i get upset and all but i guess i ignore it. not always good. makes it worse sometimes. but i just try to tell him don't do anything stupid. i don't know what i would do. knowing how i would feel if he died helps me really understand how he would feel if i died. he would feel terrible. i won't do that to him. and i won't hurt myself. it hurts him too. you really just have to find a friend that you care about and think how you would feel if they died. even if they're not really like that. imagine if they were. and don't do that to them.

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