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Can Someone Please Explain This???

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I've posted about my situation before. Two people work in the same organization, and it got crazy. For reasons that I will not go into, it reached a head a few months ago and she stopped it, her decision. Since then over the last many months, we often see each other and talk for work stuff. When she feels herself getting too close, she tries her best to go NC (that's what I think anyway, I know her pretty well).


I made a full decision not to care anymore, and just emotionally move on. And I haven't felt this healthy in a really long time. Felt like I got some closure, well-needed closure.


But lately, it's been crazy. Whenever we see each other, she has been flirting like crazy, including deep gazing eye-contact and the rest of the usual stuff. There are other people around when we see each other. My question: Why does she do this? It was her choice to pull away- why does she try to emotionally pull me back in every single time? Does she still have feelings for me? Does she just want to know that I still care about her? Is she just selfish and she wants to know that she still can "get" me? I have no idea. This pattern has repeated for a few months. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

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It sounds like an ego boost to me. When you start NC and live your own healthy happy life, she misses the attention and tries to win you back. After the triumph of getting your attention fades, she goes into NC with you. Drop this girl and forget her. She has drama written all over her.

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Yes, drama. Exactly. Thaks so much. You are right. It's an ego thing mostly. And since I'm not playing with her right now, she's getting pissed about it- that's the update. She can probably sense my attention slipped away, and she's trying her best to get it back. I need to break the cycle. I'm doing my best. Thanks everyone.

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