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She says I love you on the first date.. crazy right?


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Ok so I met this girl online, thought she was pretty cool and decided to meet her after about a week of txt messages and phone calls.


We had a pretty great date, hung out at a bbq, tons of chemistry, I was starting to think this might turn into something.


After I left she sends me a couple txt messages. It starts with "I miss you already", ok thats cool, i want to see her again too. Then a little while later I get "luuuuvvv you"..... I sat there for a second and just went "what the f"? I ignored it and figured she must have meant to send it to one of her girlfriends or something.


I got home around 12:30 and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up with 3 missed calls around 3 in the morning and another text "Love you!". Now I'm creeped out. I said I hope youre joking or really drunk, to which she responds, duh I was joking...


Later that day I called her to ask about it and she tells me she meant to send it to her friend. So I asked why she sent it twice and why she said she was joking (meaning she did mean to send it to me). She says her phone sometimes sends out txt messages twice (but they were different messages) and tells me again that she meant to send it to a friend. I was not convinced and told her we shouldn't talk anymore.


She im'ed me today to tell me she thinks the whole situation is ridiculous and can't believe I reacted the way I did. Now I'm second guessing myself. Before she said it, I was really into this girl and I want to believe she was just drunk or being stupid. But this kind of thing seems like a major "crazy" red flag.


Am I right to run away fast???

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I agree she is probably one of those girls that is just too intense but I think if you are doubting yourself about running away to fast or feel any regret then why not try again with her just meet up with her, then if she starts acting all weird you can calls things off with her knowing for sure that she is crazy! You don't have anything to loose except maybe a great girl!!

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Eek! She sounds crazy! I'd never ring anyone at 3 in the morning unless I knew they were awake or there was an emergency. I'd never even ring my boyfriend who I've been with over a year at 3 in the morning to tell him I love him She does seem way too desperate, clingy, whatever.


I think you did the right thing. But if you feel there was something before she started acting a bit strange how about meeting up just once more, see how she behaves then decide?

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