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Aw, how sad...


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I was running late for work, and while driving there, I saw a dog running along the inner side of the free way. It was a golden retriever, and something seemed to be wrong with its one front leg (it was holding it up while running). It was so sad, and I feel bad for not doing something; my mind was just all over the place and I was rushing to make it to work on time. Hopefully some one helped out the poor thing. I really hope this wasn't the case of some jerk just dumping the dog out on the road and leaving it to fend for itself... That would be so cruel.

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Oh no. I do hope someone helped it.


I hate seeing dogs running like that. I have pulled over several times.


One time I had to chase an injured german shepard in housing projects. It was running into the middle of the street with a large bloody mark on it's side. I finally got it to trust me and come into my car. I lucked out because a police officer showed up nearby for an unrealted call, and I asked him to call the animal control people which took it to the SPCA.


I kept calling to see if it got adopted (if it didn't I was going to adopt it -and have my parents kill me- since I was still living with them at the time lol) The woman at the shelter called me with updates. A police officer actually ended up adopting it. I was so relieved.


I always stop when I see a dog running amok. Unlike a cat they almost always end up running into the streets and are not wise outdoors.


Someone probably helped the dog that you saw. If they are anything like me they cannot drive by, no matter what.

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