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I need help asking a girl out please help!!!!!

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I know this girl in 8th grade and im dying to ask her out. its at the end of the school year and im nervous. we only talked a few times and she smiled and waved at me once. she pays attention to me whenever i say somthing and she laughs at my jokes even when there really lame. What should I Do!!!

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Approacher her casually and talk to her, just slip it into conversation. Ask her if she would like to do somthing (Fill in with an actual activity) with you this weekend or to celebrate summer break. Just make sure you clarify its a date some time


Good luck, let us know!

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Ok... I always pride myself on trying to give the most realistic advice that I can with the limited knowledge that I have. In my personal experience, it works better to get very comfortable around each other before going into "going out". The summer is coming up, which would be a good oppurtunity to ask her to the beach or waterpark (or local pool or to the movies)... with a couple other mutual friends. Repeat above action, gradually decreasing the number of other friends around...


But that's just what I'd do. Immediate action? Don't ask her out. (At least not yet). She might say yes, which'll make you happy, of course, but there's a chance that it won't be a very comfortable relationship. Which won't be fun. But also, there is a pretty good chance that she'll say no, because you don't talk all that often.


Good luck, and keep us posted! If you ask her out, she says yes, and you end up getting married, I'll send you a card.

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all of your guy's information is good, but i want to ask you somthing. In two days all the 8th graders in my school are going to the santa cruz board walk, They have a rollercoaster, arcade, ect. Do you think it would be a good idea to ask her to hang out with we or what?

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Lol yes, that'd be great! I remember our eighth grade trip to Disneyland... it was awesome. Ask her to hang out with you, yeah, but only if she'd feel confortable around your group of people. (If you have friends in common, I mean). If she hangs out in a completely different group, then I wouldn't. She probably would rather hang out with her own group than a bunch of people she hardly knows. Good luck!

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this theme park ur going too, great chance to get chattin together (alone if u want) an to be close, u kno. i wish i had a chance like you wen i was ur age. (only just got my first g/f)


if u ask her out, it could be wen ur alone on a slow calm ride. if she says no at least u'll kno. better than keeping ur feelings locked away.


but go for it! if nobody asked each other out then there wouldnt be any fun in life would there?


go for it!


let us kno!

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