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ex gf is in bold


hullo, sorry for the missed call the other day - you alright?


yeah im great thanks, no need to apolagize. hope your good too


yeahh i'm alright thanks

surprised you weren't out on saturday?


went out night before..had to finish my advert of anyway


ah i see. i saw joe & alex there


lyndon said he was out..maybe he didnt go. how are they


dunnnoo, didn't speak to joe just saw him

and said hello to alex that was pretty much it methinks


thou apparently i spoke to joe later on on the phone cause nia kinda got stranded with him ha


ahh i see


things good with you generally?


yeah tbh really good ta

why did u ring anyway


that's gooood

i have your reindeer toy in chelts with me, would quite like you to have it back cause it's from your childhood

would be different if it was something you bought me but you had it agesss


if you want to. doesent bother me

forgot about it tbh, thought you would of got rid of it


nahh why would i do that

we didn't end on bad terms i didn't think? hmm does that mean you threw away the stuff i made you?


dont think so. told my mum to do something with it

no not bad terms


fair enough

hopefully recycled then ha

what's happened to your FB?


its gone


willingly? or did it delete itself?


it really doesent matter sorry if that sounds aggressive


it doesnt really i guess


i wasnt using it so i just deactivated it

and i have other things going on and its a distraction


fair enough

college going ok and stuff?


yeah dressed as kurt cobain for the week wig and all. sorry i have to go i have a phone call.


so yes 17 months together. broke up 8 weeks ago...3 weeks into break up she gets a new guy... so anybody getting anything from this? i dont want to be friend zoned here. but i dont want to come accross like a

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Sorry, but you seem a bit -- either aggressive and seriously annoyed by her or just not interested in talking with her anymore/don't feel anything towards her. I'm not sure which way she would've taken it...


But she's obviously still interested in talking to you. Her getting a new bf so soon after your break-up seems like she just wants to keep you as a friend though.


If you want to get back with her, ask her straight up - "is there any chance we can work things out?" if she says no, end contact for the time being, just until you're over her.

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Sorry, but you seem a bit -- either aggressive and seriously annoyed by her or just not interested in talking with her anymore/don't feel anything towards her. I'm not sure which way she would've taken it...


But she's obviously still interested in talking to you. Her getting a new bf so soon after your break-up seems like she just wants to keep you as a friend though.


If you want to get back with her, ask her straight up - "is there any chance we can work things out?" if she says no, end contact for the time being, just until you're over her.


ahh. thats the thing i want to be! so nice to her im not annoyed either..i love her to bits. but im scared of being friend zoned as she has a bf... she hasnt told me she has yet tho...so im trying to not be interrested aghhh

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Sounds like she's checking up on you, as exes do every so often, and talk to you and see what's up. This is my opinion, but I feel when exes do this they are also, purposefully or not, trying to see where your feelings are at.


I think you handled the conversation okay, especially cutting the conversation short, but I think attraction-wise it would be more effective if you sounded upbeat and enthusiastic, as if you love life right now. That would not only strike a good vibe with her, but would probably also leave her wondering why you're so happy after the breakup and may make her want you more.


If you don't want to get friendzoned, don't talk to her much, and just for unavoidable conversations sound happy.


However, she has a new guy right? You're not actively pursuing her, are you? It'd be a good idea to try to move on, I think.

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well no im not pursuing her. thats stupid if she gots a guy (im pretty sure she has but she hasnt told me?? oh and a weird thing ive noticed...this is so wrong but i did it...i went onto her msn and her profile pic was her and this guy, but when she talk to me on msn she always changes to just her!) . she is at UNI and im guessing down for the easter week..is it worht meeting up and showing my happy upbeat attitude if she asks



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Yeah, I agree that she knows you're probably hurt. And that's why you deleted your FB account too.


But I just don't see any point in acting happy when you're not. And (in my personal opinion) I don't think you should be in contact at this point - tell her straight up how you need some space to move on. If she's a decent girl, she'll understand this.

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Cancel the planned meet at first,she'll think that uv started to put other things first and have more important things to do..it'll make her think. Dont say what you are doing though,just say sorry gonna have to rearrange,can we make the day after? Trust me..its sure fire to get her thinking.


will do then if she asks

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Cancel the planned meet at first,she'll think that uv started to put other things first and have more important things to do..it'll make her think. Dont say what you are doing though,just say sorry gonna have to rearrange,can we make the day after? Trust me..its sure fire to get her thinking.


Yes to this.


I think you handled the messaging convo well. And as others have said, keep interaction with her short and very upbeat. You might feel grumpy and guarded but you won't accomplish anything at all by showing her that.


Take her with a whole handful of salt. Until she explicitly states that she's single and is interested in getting back together, interacting with her jeopardizes your well-being and healing.


Good luck!

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Yes to this.


I think you handled the messaging convo well. And as others have said, keep interaction with her short and very upbeat. You might feel grumpy and guarded but you won't accomplish anything at all by showing her that.


Take her with a whole handful of salt. Until she explicitly states that she's single and is interested in getting back together, interacting with her jeopardizes your well-being and healing.


Good luck!


i will do if she does then, either way if she doesent it just helps me move on. * * * * ty thing is she hasnt told me she has a bf yet. annoying as ive know for ages it feels

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Sac im in the same boat,i thought she was seeing someone before she finished it with me but i didnt have proof. He is welcome to her,its just like a mobile phone,im gona go out and get an upgrade when my contract runs out ;-)


its actually werid as. 3 weeks NC i was feeling good and this has put me back a tiny bit as shes reached out twice in a sense in less than a week. and knowing what i do and she thinks i dont know. makes it more weird... ahh * * * * it shes made her bed ill let her sleep in it.

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The way i look at it,she has her own life now,she isnt my girlfriend..so if i ever saw them id give him the sort of grin that says "i know what your new girlfriend looks like naked and i know what she likes...if you know what i mean haha "


Turn a negative into a positive.


haha. i had her first!!! harhar thats cheered me up a bit. i acutally got told by someone if my ex facbooks status changes to her new bf.. a week later to change mine to a relationship too see what her reaction is haha. i dont think i will do that tho. its a bit nuts

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hello do you think its a good idea if i go round my ex's house and drop of her book and just immedietly go?


she hasnt mentioned her book to me (ive only realised since she mentioned my reindeer toy) just thought it would be a nice gesture..and shows i dont want "her" lying around my house haha or does this go against NC?

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hello do you think its a good idea if i go round my ex's house and drop of her book and just immedietly go?


she hasnt mentioned her book to me (ive only realised since she mentioned my reindeer toy) just thought it would be a nice gesture..and shows i dont want "her" lying around my house haha or does this go against NC?


Sure, drop it off -- leave it in the mailbox, or somewhere she'll be sure to find it, with a short note, "You left this at my place, thought you might want it back." Don't follow up with an email. Don't book a time to go over to drop it off. Just do it. She might acknowledge with an email; you're not obliged to respond.

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It shows that you are trying to find a reason to see her if she hasnt mentioned it.


Id pass on suddenly showing up somewhere with something she hasnt specifically asked for.


ahh yeah i realised that sorry thank you tho. considering sending her an email judged of this msn convo saying


"if you want to give me the reindeer back you can as ive realised i still have your book, you mentioning the reindeer reminded me"


or is that still too needy? i dont want to come accross like im trying to see her cause i really dont mind if i dont

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You are still trying to reach out to her....leave it alone


Let her be in touch with you for her things....until then, box all of her belongings


Im not trying to be blunt, but I have been there myself and from experience, I can tell you it does no good. The sooner you stop trying to find reasons to keep in touch, the sooner you will feel better and heal

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You are still trying to reach out to her....leave it alone


Let her be in touch with you for her things....until then, box all of her belongings


Im not trying to be blunt, but I have been there myself and from experience, I can tell you it does no good. The sooner you stop trying to find reasons to keep in touch, the sooner you will feel better and heal


ahh ok. why do you think she hasnt asked for it, she forgoten or she doesent care that much either?

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It does kind of sound like you're grasping at straws. You've already mentioned having the book, she hasn't sought it. So no worries. If she wants it she'll let you know. Put it in a bag, stick it in the corner of your closet, and forget about it.

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i saw my ex out when clubbing 2 days ago..she was looking for me and noticed my hair has changed style and liked my new jacket and wants one like it... thats pretty much it.....and today she popped round my house..its all explained below


ahhh guys i spoke to my ex's sister on facebook and heres the convo... im not sure if i messed up here.... yikes




im good ta your sister woke me up lol





how did that happen?!!



she knocked on door gave me back my reindeer... so i gave her back her book





i bet that was awkward!



it was ok actually tbh. im losing respect for her and i didnt want that but i am. her making the odd contact with me and not telling me she is seeing someone else is being deceitful


i still want her to be happy though



she didn't ever cheat on you and there was nothing going on with this current bloke whilst she was with you.


good thing too, cos i'd have been furious with her!!



ive never assumed that.. really havent just dont know why she hasnt told me



it'll be because she didn't want to make you more hurt than you probably are feeling right now.


we're both in the same boat- have been dumped by people


if you ever want to talk about this, talk to me. i can totally empathise



im not hurt anymore lol. shes been with him ages



when did you find out?



well i got told liek alst week but ive known for like months





fair enough


have you got anyone on the horizon?



took a girl called rosie to the cinema friday


just casuall dating





how did you both meet?


night out or course?



um nah known her for like about a month and supported her really as she got cheated on thats it really


really ncie girl. tall tho haah


very pretty



ah its great you've found somebody


it's important after finishing a long relationship that you don't rush into anything and get too attached too quickly in case you get hurt again



havent found somebody just a casuall date, not hing serious



that's what i learnt when i was seeing someone i worked with for about 4 months


then i kind of got hurt! lol



yeah it does suck getting hurt


past is the past



that's very true


out with the old and in with the new?



a good way to look at it i guess



sometimes finding someone else does heal a broken heart.


as bad as tom was, he was what made me get over john and forget about him



true but maybe its not a great to deal with it. id rather forget alone and be ready for a new one


clean slate



yeah you can do it that way too i guess



all have different ways of coping



it's important to spend lots and lots of time with mates and spend * * * * loads of money.... go on holidays.


that's exactly what i did and it worked!!






sorry for bringing her up, just popped into my life and at my door


so to speak lol



you doing anything interesting today



ah don't worry, that's alright


i bring john into conversations too without meaning to. that's totally normal


i find that it's best to lose all contact with john altogether. time's the greatest healer, as are your friends



oh yeah it is. thats why i said i dont know why my ex does





yep meh is the best way to see things!



u still at your place i cant remember where it is



use that word a lot these days!


yeah we still live in up hatherley


the estate opposite morrisons



thttas the badger



but the roads leading up to our house are confusing. even taxi drivers don't know where we are!


the annoying thing is that me and andy wanted high speed fibre-optic internet. we phoned virgin and they said that the cable only went up to 2 doors away from us. boo hiss. we were gutted....





that sucks



yeah damn right it does1



grrr haah



right i'm going to go and get on with some much-needed work and possibly play on mario kart! lol


if you want to pop round here or whatever then you can



thats sounds cool. yeah im going to cinema to watch clash of titanssoon. yeah i may do i seem to be traveling alot these days now


take care x



yeah you too bye!


i asked her roomate a question and her roommate spoke to me aswell




hey chess, sorry if you dont want me talk to you...um whats this key..is a key to yours or joes?




hey haha dont be silly. no its a key to his he gave me


wanted him to have it back.



oh ok fair enough. just got bamboozled when handed it



lou gave it to ya?



yeah poped round to give me reindeer and this glorious looking pink key. nom





oh the teddy



some child hood poession. i told her not too worry about it like monday and she came round and gave me it



well you could look at that as a good thing


you can both move on now





we moved on ages ago






shes been with laurence for like months



yeah i know


she didnt do that on purpose though


it was just kind of a rebound thing that turned into a real thing


she never even thought about him like that when you two were together



thats fine. he seems like great guy and i want her to be happy



yeah and she wants you to be happy too.


its the nicest break up ive ever seen





yeah she deserves to be happy so u know thats it really



you do too


you just didnt work as a couple neither of you deserve to be unhappy


anyway gonna play scramble now so cant talk haha


take care xx



you too x

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