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Naming Baby


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Hey everybody!


I'm having problems finding baby names...I'm only 18 weeks along so I have some time yet but I would like to find some that I like at least a little bit. All of the names I've come accross so far don't pop out at me.


I need a name that starts with a vowel (family trad.).


My baby is mixed, I'm white and the father is black. I know a lot of people say it doesn't make any difference what race the baby is, that a name is a name, but I feel it does matter some.


I can't seem to find any boy names that aren't already taken by family that I like. Any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate it.



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My baby is mixed, I'm white and the father is black. I know a lot of people say it doesn't make any difference what race the baby is, that a name is a name, but I feel it does matter some.


Please explain? My best friend has a mixed race toddler niece called "Isobel" (well that name, I am not sure what spelling they used), and that's a name that's used for people of all colours I wonder why you think it makes a difference?


Also please list some of the names that you can't use so you don't get people suggesting names you don't need

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I'll add some I have found that I've actually heard people use nowadays, I am useless at picking names I like, I have no kids and have trouble naming my cats even so here are just some I have seen around.










Andreas (boyfriend's name XD)

Archie (one of my brothers)

Ashley (it's a unisex name, my mu's friend has a son called Ashley)

Edward (would not reccomend right now, people will think you named him after Twilight)



Ellis (another little brother's middle name)

Emmett (again, beware Twilight)










I know somene with a baby called Isreal and another with a baby called Italo, both reflect the background cultures of said parents though

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Please explain? My best friend has a mixed race toddler niece called "Isobel" (well that name, I am not sure what spelling they used), and that's a name that's used for people of all colours I wonder why you think it makes a difference?


Also please list some of the names that you can't use so you don't get people suggesting names you don't need


Well you are right, there are a lot of names that people use for all races...but there are also names that a black person might have but you wouldn't really hear used for a white person...I don't know...I'm sorry, I could've put what I was trying to say into better form. For instance I like the name Andre, which is more oftenly used on a boy that is African-American (I can't use that name though because there is someone I dislike very much that has that name). I love the name Andrew, which is also a family name, and was thinking of using it for a middle name.


The names I can't use for boys are:






I do like the name Ezra though. I also like Oriah. Would those be too girly for a boy?

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Well you are right, there are a lot of names that people use for all races...but there are also names that a black person might have but you wouldn't really hear used for a white person...I don't know...I'm sorry, I could've put what I was trying to say into better form. For instance I like the name Andre, which is more oftenly used on a boy that is African-American (I can't use that name though because there is someone I dislike very much that has that name). I love the name Andrew, which is also a family name, and was thinking of using it for a middle name.


The names I can't use for boys are:






I do like the name Ezra though. I also like Oriah. Would those be too girly for a boy?


Ezra is a genuine boy's name like Ezra Pound, so if you wanted to use it you'd be fine. Andrew's a nice name too, it's also one of my brothers' middle name (yeah I have in total five half brothers! My parents split when I was a baby). We often use family names as middle names too, which is where "Ellis" comes from in my family. As for Oriah, I haven't heard of it before but when I searched it I found it listed as a girls name

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Owen... great name, wins hands down!


This is our boy name too! Funny I had no trouble picking a boy name while pregnant and then we found out it was a girl (and I suspected it was a girl) and we couldn't pick a name until they were literally pulling her from my body LOL.

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Can't beat Owen - I was going to be Owen if I was a boy


I could suggest a whole list of name, but I think that might get a bit repetitive for you to look through. Some of the baby name search engines out there are pretty advanced, why don't you have a wee look at one of them? You could think of a meaning you'd like and search for that? Or an ethnicity? E.g. I love scandinavian names and have a number I would call my future child in a heartbeat...unfortunately after a discussion with the bf they've been vetoed as first names. I managed to retain them as middle names though, woot!


Good luck finding something, I'm sure when you find it, and when you see your beautiful baby it'll all fit.



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