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To Moneca or anyone interested HUGE NEWS

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For those of you that dont know my story about my breakup read here: link removed but long story short my ex never got over her ex and after a year and a half of taking the problems with her ex and eventually her bad attitude ( because she was dwelling on the ex but was in denial that she still liked him claiming she felt bad that he had the "upperhand")I just had enough and we had one fight too many and I just left...she enforced the breakup however. Anyway, it turns out yesterday my cousin passed by her ex's place and her car was there and her ex sadly is a neigbhor of my cousins. She was there around 12:30-2:30 AM! Im so happy to hear this because he treats her like garbage...just pure garbage and Im so happy he'll put her butt back in place and when he just sleeps with her and leaves her then she will truly know what she lost. The good news is I finally got my closure out of this because it was true...she was a bad person who lied to me and pertended she loved me when another man had her heart. Your thoughts will be highly appreciated

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BTW, does anybody else find it weird she was making her car very obvious? She could have parked around the corner just to hide it and it would have gone unoticed and its a very very short walk so clearly shes sending a message. Apparentley, word has gotten to her that I went on a date with a girl that is her good friends sister. But i didnt date her out of vengeance...I did it because shes a classmate that Ive always sorta liked

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Well Doc I would say it's time to move on... NEXT!


I would tell you what she sounds like but its just a waste of time since she is gone. I would like to tell you this: I know you are very hurt and you are happy that she is back with that guy who treats her bad because that makes you look good, but we should not rejoice at other peoples misery. Even when it's of their own doing. Wish her luck and let her go. This will do more to bring happiness into your life.


Every relationship is an experience that "hopefully" brings us closer to finding our perfect partner. This one was just another lesson. She might have been sending a message making her car so obvious or she might not care at all who saw it. Who knows?


Stay strong and try to move on. You will find a person who truly cares for you out there.


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