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Anyone here work 70 hours a week?

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I am considering getting another job because of the financial prison that I have put myself in so I can one day quit this night job that I hate with a PASSION and take a day job that will be a massive paycut.


The reason is I have been doing this overnight job for 7 years and hate it so much, I have no life at all, it has ruined my life but I cannot find a day job that pays anything similar and I have been looking for years. The only day jobs I can find I would take a massive paycut. I cant take a massive paycut right now because of the financial prison I have put myself in.



I am just wondering, what is it like working 70 hours a week? How long have you done it for?

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I work a lot more than that. I own my own business, and as anyone who owns a business can testify, it's an all-consuming endeavor.


You can manage 70 hrs a week, you just have to enjoy what you do and dedicate yourself to it.


I will hate what Ido for the 70 hours. 40 of it I will hate with a passion, that is the job I have now.

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Been trying to for years. Not that easy kid when you have put yourself in a financial prison.

There are no financial prisons that there aren't ways out of. I've wiggled my way out of a few 'less than comfortable' situations.


But you have to work hard and have a plan.

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Been trying to for years. Not that easy kid when you have put yourself in a financial prison.


A financial prison isn't a financial hole.


You have to put together a plan that will, over a set period of time, relieve you of your prison.


Do you have any kinds of plans like this thought up?

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Between two jobs and grad school I put in helacious hours. I work from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m five days a week. Then I work 5 hours on Saturday and help my bf at his office some nights after work and on weekends. I am only taking one class this semester, but it is a class with a massive protfolio due at the end of the semester, so I put about 10 hours a week in on that. Yeah, 70+ can be done and it isn't as bad as you think.

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