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I need Help, Debt and Job are ruining my life

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If I was 70K in debt, I would file bankruptcy and start fresh. Sometimes it really is the answer, depending on how much income you bring in. If I owed 70K, I would never be able to pay it, even if I worked 2 jobs. Although I don't think you can dissolve student loans (?).

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I have my own business and with the tanking of the economy, my income has dropped precipitiously. Moreover, I was involved in a lawsuit that was recently settled for an amount much larger than your debt. There have been lots of questions posted, but very little response from you on the particulars... degree, career, budget, etc. Also, FYI, I lost what I thought to be the love of my life nearly two years ago, so I know exactly how you feel. Money/debt... it's all just a number. I've had tons and lost tons, but I'm the same person. You CANNOT let it control you... sure, the economy sucks, but your life shouldn't suffer for it. Bankruptcy could be an option, but your problem doesn't seem too significant. And, even if you had to file, it really doesn't have to have a permanent impact on your life. You can start rebuilding quickly. Look at how many ultra successful people out there that have gone b/k. Can your parents co-sign a loan for you in the future? Other family? As long as you are responsible, which you seem to have a baseline because you've kept the job despite your unhappiness with it, I suspect you could find people trusting enough in your abilities and honesty to work with you.


I would take the day job (if still available) because you CAN manage on less income with some smart budgetary moves. I went from fancy car, big house, travel, and lots of entertainment to none of those things. Not because of stupid decisions, but because of the economy. I'm still messed up about the ex, but I'm not letting the money/lifestyle get to me. I KNOW those can come back for me and I bet they could for you.

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