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Good looking a disadvantage?

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Just intrested to find out if you boys and girls believe that being good looking pysically can put you at a slight disadvantage when it comes to dating and relationship issues.Its just that in my past exsperience i have found that alot of people say that being pysically attractive a slight disadvantage when it comes to being good looking.I have heard women say that they would never go out with someone who was more pysically attractive than them..and good looking men can never be trusted around women, and also men get paranoid when there woman goes out cause she might get hit on all the time.


Anyone had exsperiences of this ..and anyone have any views..both male and female perspectives please..

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It definantly can be a disadvantage. Sometimes guys only want one thing & if you are good looking, then its more likely that you will be seen for your looks only by them. I had one boyfriend who only wanted to have sex with me & I wouldn't, so he ended up breaking up with me. THe fact that he couldn't wait for me to be ready just shows that he only wanted me for my body. Of course if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, they must think you are good looking, but its no good if that seems to be all they like you for.

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About the attractivness factor. My friend, who literally looks like Kimora Lee Simons, always finds the bad boys. I keep on telling her, "Lady, you gotta be wise about the men that you meet." That's why, I wished she could think more about the guy's that she date. I have no say in her decisions, but at least I warned her. Yes, but I think that it could be a 'disadvantage', depending on the person.


If it's an attractive, but cold-hearted person: then in that case, they can use their attractiveness to their advantage, without feeling 'resmorse.'


Whereas, an attractive person, who's warm-hearted: their attractiveness can be used as a 'disadvantage' too. Just like people like her. They're honest, sweet, good-natured, caring, but a bit naiive. And, there are people out there, who are ruthless vultures, who will take advantage of that niceness. It's up to that person, to let it be a disadvantage.


I have an uncle, who's really attractive. He looked like a ladie's man, but was sincere and devoted. He ended up dating a trick, gold-digger! So, for him, it was to his disadvantage as well. I think it's just as equal for men and women. It's just how they carry themselves.


About the part where women tend to go out with men less attractive than them: it's funny, because, I see that a lot. I see attractive men with not as attractive women as well. Rarely do I see both really attractive couples, hook up together. I do, but it's not as common. I think that for the most part, women just want a man who will treat them right. They look for that bond. Even if the guy's not as hot looking, once they fall in love with him, somehow, they find that guy more attractive.


So, if an unattractive guy comes along, I think that most of the times, the woman will at least, love a man for one of his physical qualities. It's mostly personal preference. A guy can be unattractive to one woman, but attractive to another. He doesn't have to be a 'hot-model' or anything, but it's that bond that they share, which tends to keep them interested.


Hope this Helps

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I don't know how being good looking can be a disadvantage. When you're considered attractive by the masses then basically you can pick and choose who you want to date and when.


When you're not attractive you have to come up with something else to make up for your physical shortcomings like having a nice car, money, etc. to woo a girl (if you're a guy).

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Ask yourself this question; would you rather be an attractive person or would you rather be an unattractive person?


If you choose the later then you got to ask yourself if you answered the question honestly.


Cosmetic surgery is a booming industry because people want to improve their looks.

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I've been told by a few girls that i'm attractive and 'out of their league', and I see girls check me out sometimes. Yet when I look in the mirror, I can't see it, if anything I look different to most people. I think it can be a disadvantage, because if your like me and can't see it, then I don't use it to my advantage, and I guess perhaps others think they wouldn't have much of a chance with me, if they themselves arn't good looking, so they don't even try (this is the case with some of my friends).

However, I doubt it would be as much as a disadvantage as being unattractive.

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I don't know how being good looking can be a disadvantage. When you're considered attractive by the masses then basically you can pick and choose who you want to date and when.


When you're not attractive you have to come up with something else to make up for your physical shortcomings like having a nice car, money, etc. to woo a girl (if you're a guy).



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Ask yourself this question; would you rather be an attractive person or would you rather be an unattractive person?


If you choose the later then you got to ask yourself if you answered the question honestly.


Cosmetic surgery is a booming industry because people want to improve their looks.



Even if you do improve your looks what will you gain fromit ?


Look at that show "extreme makeover" are some of thse peoplehappy with results and doesit change for them. I'm sorry ifthe cosmetic surgery industry is doing so well and looks matter and make a difference then why if the looks go what else is there to talk about ?

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Of course people would rather be good looking, but that doesn't mean there aren't disadvantages to it. People will see you for your looks until they get to know you. Sometimes people don't care about getting to know you & are using you just for a body. At least if your not good looking & people like you, you know they are seeing you for who you are & not what you look like. The people who only care about looks are the people who don't deserve you. I'm not saying I would rather be un attractive, I just think that there are good sides to both & bad sides as well. Of course everyone has a different opinion on what attractiveness is, so even if some think you are unattractive, there are still people out there who think you are beautiful. Just be proud of who you are. Confidence is attractive.

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Sort of an obvious answer to this question, when you consider how our society is consumed with good looks. Any "disadvantage" to being goodlooking is far outweighed by the positives. Other than being pestered constantly by the opposite sex, the only disadvantage I can think of is relying only on your looks to attract other people, and not developing yourself to become as beautiful inside as you are outside is a bad idea because looks eventually fade.

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I'm really good friends with a girl that I've known for years. She really blossomed from 15-17, the guy she was dating at the time got more insecure as she became more attractive, grew into herself as a women. They dated for 2 years but his insecurities ended the relationship. Trust is always an issue in a relationship if its soley based on looks, then its not a real relationship its just fake in my opinon. Yes you have to be attracted to your signifigant other but if its just based on looks it'll never last.


As for what you wrote:

wlfpack81 wrote:

I don't know how being good looking can be a disadvantage. When you're considered attractive by the masses then basically you can pick and choose who you want to date and when.


I do agree that when your good looking, you can pick and choose, but at some point in time your going to have to look beyond looks to get into a serious relationship. I've been in love a few times, but I don't believe that there is the perfect girl out there for me, I do believe in soul mates, but there is a difference. The problem with our society these days is the media, mtv, the way everything is marketed in the media makes us believe that we have to look a certain way to be accepted in society. This is morally wrong and I feel the longer it goes on the more fake people are going to be with one another.


wlfpack81 wrote:

When you're not attractive you have to come up with something else to make up for your physical shortcomings like having a nice car, money, etc. to woo a girl (if you're a guy).


The problem with your theory is whats your definition of attractive? Everyone has a different opinion on what is attractive to them. For instance I find tan brunette girls with brown eyes very attractive, I might look at a girl down the street and think shes hot, while you may think shes not.


I hate to admit that your right if you have looks, a nice car, and money, a lot of women will go for that. I think using your looks to get you further in your career and personal life aren't wrong at all as I feel thats just a part of money, power, and respect, the three things men compete for the most.

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I used to be the biggest nerd in high school. I didn't date at all. Finally my friends introduced me to this guy who was 20 and hadn't ever dated. Since I actually spoke to him we started to date. Being unattractive was a disadvantage because I was basically scrapping the bottom of the barrel with that one.


Then once I hit college it turned into an advantage. Nerds are a bit more appreciated. I had more guys than I knew what to do with, but since I was still with the other guy I didn't date them. I guess I was attractive-ish, but in college guys can deal with smarter girls. Broke up with looser boy. Dated a really nice guy from Australia who thought I was pretty. I think advantage equalized here. I was okay outside, but beautiful inside. Guys (not boys) dig that. Sorry to the high school kids


Okay, then I became a model. Well, a puesdo model. I lost some weight, discovered makeup and lost the cut up jeans. Started doing promotional modeling and a few print work jobs. Still had lots of guys interested, but most of them just wanted me for my body. Different calabur, not nice guys, hot ones who didn't care about me, but liked to spend money on me. Believe it or not, disadvantage. And the nice guys were scared off. Major disadvantage.


Then I grew up a bit more and realized that being alone was better than being with a looser, weather it was a pathetic one or a user one. I managed to find a nice guy who is hott, but not used to girls. Advantage of not outgrowning being a nerd, he's an engineer. One of those nice guys, intitally attracted to my body, but won over by my smile. Disadvantage = he is a bit jealous of the fact I get hit on and it has caused some troubles.


Result? Being attractive is a double edged sword. Girls that aren't as attractive outwardly but with a beautiful personality don't have to worry about the users as much. Frumpy is bad (aka me in high school), but you can change that by working out and looking nicer, but that's more for self-actulization. You'll feel healthier and better about yourself. Attractive girls get more guys, but typically guys who aren't worth much. I think in the end, having experienced both sides, it's a disadvantage. But a kinda fun disadvantage.

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